I have been absent around these parts for far too long, so a big thanks goes out to Nick for holding the fort down with some regular posting. I’m still trying to encourage him to post his enstrangement from EVE, but the wound may be too close to the surface at the moment.
This weekend is my last weekend before college football starts, which is usually a turning point for my gaming time, as weekends are spent watching hours of college football (much to my wife’s dismay, I’m sure).
So I hope to cram in some serious gaming this weekend. I’d like to finish Bioshock Infinite and get a little more time with State of Decay. I’m still playing Animal Crossing on the 3DS, so there’s that, too. Oh, and the two free games from Microsoft (Crackdwon and Dead Rising 2) have me a little nostalgic so I’ve gone back to Fortune City for a little zombie slaying, so there will be that, as well.
What are you playing this weekend?