Since I don’t have Madden 2005 and I haven’t played it yet, I thought I’d compare my experience with the two football games I do have. I know I’m not technically comparing apples to apples, but it’s close enough. It’s Fuji Apples vs. Granny Smiths. Or something like that.
First and foremost, the graphics, animations, and presentation aren’t even close. ESPN looks pretty darn good. There are times that the players look a tad “squatty” but it’s not too bad. I am amazed at how nice it really looks, screen shots don’t do it justice. It has made me much more disappointed with NCAA’s graphics. It’s just no contest. It makes NCAA look old.
Control and feel are both still solid. I am still getting the hang of ESPN’s controls but NCAA’s are second nature to me. The feel is pretty wierd to get used to. NCAA seems more responsive, ESPN is loose and touchy. Passing in ESPN is an exercise in frustration at times.
Computer opponents are better in ESPN and there’s the VIP which is a profile of how you play the game and you can use it to play against, well, yourself. Sounds cool, I want to let it learn more of how I play before I try it.
Environment or atmosphere is definitely NCAA’s domain. It really does capture the feel of a college football game. ESPN looks prettier (NCAA’s crowds look like burn victims) but I like NCAA’s overall atmosphere.
I haven’t delved into ESPN’s franchise mode yet but I think NCAA will edge it out. Dynasty mode, with its awesome recruiting aspect, will be nearly impossible to beat.
There’s more to it than just this, but that’s my five minute take on it. I’m sure I’ll revisit this topic some more in the future.
I still haven’t won a game yet with my Brownies. The Lions and Seahawks have both beat me by a field goal.