Look out, everyone.
It looks like Steam is rolling out the sales over the next five days and every day will have a new batch of sales.
Just when I thought I’d finished spending money this year!
Mashing buttons since 1984
by Brock 3 Comments
Look out, everyone.
It looks like Steam is rolling out the sales over the next five days and every day will have a new batch of sales.
Just when I thought I’d finished spending money this year!
Those crazy cheap A’s found another bodacious deal at Toys ‘R Us, lots of decent games half off an already reduced price. I picked up Beyond Good and Evil and Deus Ex:Invisible War for the Xbox and Freedom Fighters for the Gamecube. After using a gift card I spent 18 bucks on three sweet games. Excellent!
So my game queue continues to grow. I’ll get some time in this weekend with some of these titles, but NCAA 2005 is still taking up the majority of my time. Once I get a chance to play a couple of these I’ll post my thoughts.
Thanks to the deal-finders at Cheap Ass Gamer I was alerted to some clearance deals at Best Buy so I went over on my lunch break to check it out. I picked up R: Racing Evolution and XIII for the Gamecube and Onimusha Tactics and Max Payne for the GBA. All for $9.99 each! I wanted to pick up a copy of Simpsons: Hit and Run for me and my brother-in-law but all the stores around here were sold out. Bummer. R: Racing Evolution comes with Pac Man Vs., the game that uses the GBA/GC connectivity, so I’m looking forward to trying that out, it’s supposed to be pretty fun.
So now the games are piling up for me to play. I am still mainly playing NCAA but now that I’ve got some new ones I’ll try to get some playing with those in. But I watched some kids play Madden 2005 at BB and it looked sweet. But so did ESPN NFL 2k5. What to do, what to do.
So many games, so little time.