Well, after standing out in the cold for thirty minutes, Halo 2 is in my hands. I think I may be the first person to live blog a game (you know, like live blogging the debates). Luckily I conned a friend to go wait out in the cold with me. I must say that the Einsteins over at Game Crazy didn’t really plan to well for the midnight shoppers and were ill-prepared for the people that did show up. Finally, after waiting in the cold for an eternity, I was able to buy my copy (along with a free Game Crazy hat, what a sweet deal!) and we headed home.
I have expected to find a bad copy of Halo 2 in my case, but all seems in order. I also noticed a coupon for two free months of Xbox Live. Very very tempting. We shall see.
Well, off I go to save the world, again.
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