Outside of Halo 2, the biggest story in the gaming-blogosphere was definitely the emerging details of problems bubbling over at Electronic Arts. After the anonymous post of an EA employee’s spouse came a message from an employee who decided to speak out against the bad conditions at EA. After all this was news of a lawsuit brought against EA by current employees. Craziness, indeed. I’ll be interested to see how this turns out.
But of course this week has been dominated by Halo 2 goodness. Me, I waited in the cold waiting for the game and I’ve been playing the heck out of it. What have I learned from this? Number one, I will never, ever wait outside a store at midnight to get my copy of an anticipated game again. The only thing I got was the shivers and an early alrm the next morning. Not worth it. I’ve also learned that Xbox Live is for real. I’m reserving my judgement on Halo 2 until I’ve finished the single player campaign and I’ve logged a few more hours on Live.
November is so chocked full of good releases, I fear I’ll miss some of the better games coming out. I would like to get my hands on Mario Tennis, Paper Mario, a Nintendo DS and a smattering of other games. I definitely plan on picking up Metroid Prime 2, but I’m hoping Santa brings me a copy of that.
There’s much more going out there in our gaming world, but I haven’t been feeling well and I just ran out of time to post everything I wanted to. This is a work in progress, of course.
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