Amazing. I am so thoroughly impressed with WordPress right now, I’m at a loss for words to adequately praise it. I just imported nine months of Blogger posts without a hitch. Setting up WordPress has been simple thus far. Now that I’ve got my posts imported, I’m gonna make sure everything looks okay before I move on. We’ll move on from there.
Update 1: Man, it just keeps getting better. Using Bloglines export feature (export to OPML file) I have now imported all my links from Bloglines. I still need to organize them and there doesn’t seem to be an immediately easy way to use Bloglines to update my links, but I’m sure someone out there has solved that problem, too. This is good stuff!
Update 2: Well, the links are organized. Next it categorizing all my old posts. I may put that off until later. Perhaps I’ll try a plug-in or two.
Update 3 (2/24): The process of converting my old Blogger posts continues tonight, I will make sure all of them are all categorized and edited for grammatical errors. Then it’s on to themes and plugins!
Update 3 (2/26): Posts have all be categorized and I’ve been looking at various plugins and themes. This is seriously great stuff, I can’t believe how seamless and easy it’s all been. Kudos to the guys and WordPress.
Foton of AFKGamer says
Congrats and welcome to the wonderful world of PHP and WP. Once you figure out how to beat version 1.5 into submission, I hope you don’t mind if I ask how it’s done? 🙂
Tony says
Heh, right now there’s no beating into submission going on, it’s more like begging and hoping. All this WordPress stuff is so new to me right now that I’m a little overwhelmed. Very impressed, just very overwhelmed.
Cabbage says
I’m a WP newb as well.
Sorry for that terminology, but I am.
Heh, I’m a little afraid of an upgrade from 1.2.2. right now. You are a very brave person.
Welcome to WordPress =).
Stella says
Ah, I’ve been using WordPress for a long while already. Just upgraded to 1.5 yesterday. I can’t seem to think of words to describe how good it is either! It’s really great.
Mike Sklens says
Alright, because of you and my pal Agent Dormer, I’m going to switch to WordPress. I’m not sure if will work anymore, so you’ll probably have to go directly to
Tony says
Glad you switched, man, you won’t be disappointed. WordPress is amazing.