I mentioned early this year that I have the world’s greatest wife. Well, now she’s out-done her latest show of greatness. She’s packed up the kids and went to her parents house for the week. In the process, she’s left me a to-do list that consists of mowing the lawn and playing video games. I’ll only have to do the former once. The latter will be done over and over again. Mostly Guild Wars but I’ll sneak some other stuff in there. Man, this is beyond love. Sure I have to work everyday but she didn’t weigh me down with a to-do list of unattainable magnitudes. Just two things I can actually do
Like I said early, that’s true love defined.
Josh says
Heh. The work crowd would refer to that as lots of “unsupervised time” – always a precious event. I actually goaded the Girl into playing Lego Star Wars this Sunday, so I’ve learned to count my blessings as well.
Hieronymus says
That is some noyce! Not sure what I’d do if given a whole week off from the wife and kids; I’d be happy as a pig in you-know-what if I could have a Saturday! Enjoy!
agentgray says
This must be the day for that, Tony. Only, I get a weekend.
BONUS: I’m a history buff and she even knew what the anniversary of today was.
Tony says
“Unsupervised Time” — I like that. So far, so good. I forgot to add “go golfing” to my to-do list. I’ll be crossing that off the list this afternoon.
Tony says
I plead ignorance here, agentgray… What is the anniversary of today (yesterday now)?
AgentGray says
It was the anniversary of the landings in Normandy. D-Day.
Josh says
I knew that!
( because I have a “this day in history” widget ) 🙂
Troy Goodfellow says
How thoughtful!
If this was my wife, I’d spend half the week wondering what she really meant by that list.
Bobster says
You want true love? A wife that gives you the silent treatment for six years…that is true love!
Hieronymus says
>If this was my wife, I’d spend half the week wondering what she really meant by that list.
Good point! It’s probably just reverse psychology; don’t tell him anything he has to do, in the hopes he’ll do twice as much just to be sure he covers what he should “know” he should get accomplished!
Zaphod says
Yah, my wife took a trip to Washington with her mother for a long weekend. She did not leave me a list of things to do, but I knew what to do. I did more gaming in those 4 days than I do in 3 months!