Well, it’s back to the old grind for the buttonMasher. I’m about 5000+ posts behind with my bloglines subscriptions (why do I do that to myself?) and I still haven’t unpacked my suitcase and I’ve got to go to work tomorrow.
A lot of stuff has happened over the past week, including the Xbox 360 launch (and subsequent problems and successes), so I’ll be slowly catching up with all the goings-on in the gaming world. But I do want to remind everyone about the next Carnival of Gamers over at The Game Chair. This is the big end-of-the-year, Christmas, Xbox 360, whatever-you-want Carnival. Should be great!
I haven’t had a chance to play Mario Kart DS online for over a week so I’m looking forward to throwing down some Mario Kart soon and Animal Crossing drops soon so I’m really looking forward to some more DS gaming.
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend. Feels good to be back.
Oh, and the ending of Prison Break? BIG disappointment.
agentgray says
I’ve got $150 credit burning a whole in my brain at Gamecrazy.
How are you playing Mario Kart? At home? with a burger and fries?
Joseph Valencia says
I never seem to encounter anyone in Friend Mode when I play that game…
Tony says
Joseph – I haven’t been on in about a week, I plan on playing a bunch this weekend. Hopefully we’ll cross paths then.
AG – I’ve got a Netgear router (wireless, obviously) at home, so I’m playing it on that. I haven’t tried a WiFi hot spot yet but I will give it a try eventually. When I’m at Mickey-Dee’s, it’s usually with the wife and kids, which isn’t the best time to pull out the DS for some Mario Kart action.