I know some buttonmashing.com readers prefer to use an RSS aggregator (I’ve said on more than one occasion the Bloglines is the best). I haven’t done any updating to my feed but I wanted to make available my feed to anyone who uses a feed reader.
If you use My Yahoo as your RSS reader, you can subscribe here:
My MSN (isn’t working at the moment. Fixed.)
If you use any other service, like to Google Desktop 2.0 sidebar, or Google IG, or Google anything or any number of other feed readers, you can use my Feedburner Feed, which gives me stats to how many people are using my feed and how they’re reading it. You can use this for the feed:
I’m using Safari on my Mac. It’s awesome 🙂
Does Safari have a built in RSS reader? I know Opera does, but I still use Bloglines. Whatever floats your boat! (or finds your lost remote!)
When I first started messing with RSS feed I used the live bookmarks within Firefox. Since then I moved onto Bloglines, which is really good. However, now I’m trying the Google Reader that a friend told me about.
Yes, Safari does and it is wonderful. Brilliant.
I actually use Google’s personalized homepage.
I’m happy to see that you have an RSS feed running on your site. I recently got into using Bloglines, and I find myself not visiting sites that don’t have feeds!
Will – With all the feeds I subscribe to with Bloglines, I never visit sites not that don’t publish feeds. I have found, though, that if you just put in the site you’d like to keep track of, there are some sites that publish RSS feeds but don’t publicize them. That’s how I keep track of some of the big sites (IGN, Gamespot). RSS feeds are where it’s at!