Because, apparently, if you bought EA’s NCAA 2007 for the PSP that’s exactly what you’re getting. (Via Breaking Windows)
How on earth can IGN give this game a “passable” rating?! The game is completely broken. There is no way this can be redeemed. EA should just give everyone their money back and bury all the discs out in the desert. Terrible.
Flamingsquirrelofdeathv2 says
thats what you get for buying a PSP! lol, just kidding, i have noticed that most PSP games are rather glitchy
Tony says
FSD – I don’t know much about other games, but I know most of EA’s PSP games have been glitchy. That’s a bummer.
Flamingsquirrelofdeathv2 says
a bunch of my firends got PSP’s, but after playing theirs, and having to listen to all their compliants, i figured that my $250 would be better spent on a wii
Flamingsquirrelofdeathv2 says
ha ha ha, ha hA ha
scroll down and click “video evidence”
Flamingsquirrelofdeathv2 says
more psp defecting goodness! this is better than twix!
square button!
one psp is made in about 20 minutes, mabey why they suck?
i mean, the graphics and crontrolls are great! dont get me wrong, but with all the defects, and dead pixles (wait, that’s a defect) and the lack of good games, i’d spend my $200 elsewhere
jemma says
i think it is fantastic caz i have one