I just finished listening to the 1-Up Yours podcast where they were gushing about Gears of War. The said even in Standard Definition, the game looks absolutely amazing. (They gave it a 10/10, by the way) I try not to get caught up in the hype machine (Gears of War has quite the hype machine) but I’m completely caught up.
There’s been an embargo on reviews until today, and they’re starting to pour in. They all look extremely positive.
I initially thought I’d be picking up a copy this evening, but I was at Best Buy earlier today and was informed that the game won’t be in until tomorrow. So after Lost tomorrow, I should knee-deep in Gears of War.
I now officially done until February 1. Done. This even means no Wii.
Elite Beat Agents is everything it’s cracked up to be. However, my copy of Gears of War is still wrapped because the family will not go to bed. Guess I won’t get to play it until tomorrow either. It’s just too violent…
…at any rate we’ll need to do some co-op. 😉
ag – you’re done? With what, buying things? Can’t say I blame ya. I should be done, too.
I’ll be on the look out for some GoW co-op soon.
Yes, gaming companies are shooting themselves in the foot with all the good game releases at the same time of year. Oh well, their loss.
I have enough new games to last me a good 6-9 months. I won’t be one of those guys who buys a game ‘casue it’s cool, plays the first one or two levels, and then ditches it thinking I’ll finish it in the future. (That almost never happens).
I’m almost 30 years old. I don’t need “coolness” cred anymore.
(BTW, line breaks don’t work on the comment system like they should. I even tried HTML “br” tags)
Yeah, GoW looks pretty awsome, of course, I would want to play it for 5 or 6 hrs strait if I got it, and seeing as I don’t have a nuclear genorator in my back yard, or liquid nitrogen to cool it, I guess I couldn’t do it. Thats okay, I don’t have a 360 anyway…
Wii just looks more fun, for the games and for my wallet (which right now has 3 IOUs and 1 check, the only REAL money I have is like 75 cents. Did you hear what thier saying about LoZ:TP?? 70+ HOURS of gameplay. They took a guy who knew where EVERYHTING is, and basicaly knew the game by heart, he went through the whole game, skipping ALL the cutscenes doing the bare minimun as FAST as possible (Read: Speed run) and it took him 38 hrs. HOLY FRIGIN CRAP BALLS BATMAN!!!! Too bad I can’t get a game at launch, I’ll have to work with Wii sports untill christmas. Me and my friend are going to walmart (one the few places that didn’t preorder, so I have a chance) at 5 or 6PM, for the midnight launch. yeh, I want a Wii and if I have to sit in a lawn chair for 7 hours in the middle of a massive 24 hr chain department store to do it, then thats what I’ll do!
Yeah, GoW looks pretty awsome, of course, I would want to play it for 5 or 6 hrs strait if I got it, and seeing as I don’t have a nuclear genorator in my back yard, or liquid nitrogen to cool it, I guess I couldn’t do it. Thats okay, I don’t have a 360 anyway…
Wii just looks more fun, for the games and for my wallet (which right now has 3 IOUs and 1 check, the only REAL money I have is like 75 cents. Did you hear what thier saying about LoZ:TP?? 70+ HOURS of gameplay. They took a guy who knew where EVERYHTING is, and basicaly knew the game by heart, he went through the whole game, skipping ALL the cutscenes doing the bare minimun as FAST as possible (Read: Speed run) and it took him 38 hrs. HOLY FRIGIN CRAP BALLS BATMAN!!!! Too bad I can’t get a game at launch, I’ll have to work with Wii sports untill christmas. Me and my friend are going to walmart (one the few places that didn’t preorder, so I have a chance) at 5 or 6PM, for the midnight launch. yeh, I want a Wii and if I have to sit in a lawn chair for 7 hours in the middle of a massive 24 hr chain department store to do it, then thats what I’ll do!
Oh, if your wondering about the name, alot of people on Xbox live have been making fun of it, saying I was gay becuae of the whole flaming thing…
ag – yeah, I’ve got quite a nice stack of games for now, too. I still want the Wii and Twilight Princess, so I’ll pick those up, but I’ll be good for a while.
I thought I fixed the comment line breaks, but I guess reworking the theme has re-hosed it. I’ll fix it this evening.
FS – “Flaming” does have certain connotations, so you can’t get too worried about what people say…
agentgray – what is your GT? I’d be up for some co-op at some point too. I’m on the fence with my 360 (have been since owning it) but this is a game that will test if the system is for me or not, and co-op sure seems cool. Tony, I know I’ve got your tag so look out for me.
My GT: Gokyo