It might be sorta, kinda good.
I was cruising my favorite meta-review site, Metacritic, checking out the new Wii titles when I browsed over to the new Zelda: Twilight Princess page. Right now, it’s clocking in at 9.8. I guess that would mean it’s a pretty solid launch title, right? Three reviews scoring it a perfect 100 and another at 99. IGN’s review hasn’t been integrated into MC’s score, but they gave the game a 9.5. Wow.
So this has to be the highest rated launch title, right?
I haven’t read any of the reviews, as I want to go into Z:TP completely unspoiled, so I’ll have to take these scores at face value. It just happens that said value is very high.
This game is amazing.
Just awsome. check the post before this for my impressoins (I made sure not to spoil ANYTHING about Zelda, nothing specific at ALL.)
Seriously, but it now
Yeah, after my roommate pulled the all-nighter to get our Wii and copy of Zelda, I stayed up the next night to play it. Believe the perfect score.