No more flying Wii-motes December 13, 2006 by Tony 3 Comments Just use the Wii-handcuff! (via shizzle)
Bobster says December 14, 2006 at 6:13 pm Did you mean to title this “No more flying Wii-motes” or am I missing something? If I was cuffed to my 360 controller that would be the perfect excuse to get out of going to work. Reply
Tony says December 15, 2006 at 2:16 am Ahhhh, I must have been sleepy when I posted that. Yes, you’re right, Bobster. You’re hired as my editor! Reply
Did you mean to title this “No more flying Wii-motes” or am I missing something?
If I was cuffed to my 360 controller that would be the perfect excuse to get out of going to work.
Ahhhh, I must have been sleepy when I posted that. Yes, you’re right, Bobster.
You’re hired as my editor!
i want one if you sell them i will bye one