It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but I come across new gaming blogs all the time. I thought I’d highlight a few of them here.
I’ll start off with a blog that I thought I already had in my blogroll, but somehow had omitted. Siliconera has been blogging the good fight for a long time. I’ve been a reader for a while, but had no idea I left them off the Link List.
Sickr is a blog with a Nintendo angle like none other. Lots of good Wii stuff going up there all the time.
Wii Nation – Take a wild guess what they’re all about. Lots of videos. Maybe too many?
A Day in the Life of Video Games has some interesting stories from a couple guys who apparently work at a Video Game store. If you’ve ever read the Acts of Gord, you’re well aware of the comedic goldmine that is the retail video game store.
The Zen Space Chronicles is very well written blog that’s more than just video games – it’s got comics, movies, everything. Very much worth the read.
Intendo – Wow, you’d think we could get enough Nintendo blogs, but you’d be wrong! You’ve probably already been by Intendo before, as his little scuffle with Infendo garnered some linkage a while back. Still worth checking, as his stuff is still good.
Masem’s Gaming Blog is a no-nonsense gaming blog where he actually blogs about the games he’s playing, not linking to things like Mario wedding cakes or Bubble Bobble graffiti (not that there’s anything wrong with that!). Another well written blog that’s been added to my Bloglines subscriptions.
As states – he’s “combing the internet” so we don’t have to. It’s true, he’s producing a metric ton of links. Tough to keep up with!
Video Jocks is a new site I found recently that, judging by the name, will be sports oriented, but what I’ve read so far has been pretty general gaming news. They also have a podcast that might be worth checking out. is a site run by a doctor (a pediatrician, actually) who’s also a gamer. They’ve got some good resources for parents, but what caught my eye was a section where you can vote on games and what age is appropriate for each game. This would actually be a good resource if the list was more complete and more people voted on the games. While the main site is updated very frequently, it seems like a good site to keep an eye on.
The Last Boss is a very sharp looking blog that has an interesting premise – they’re called the “Last Boss” because, as they say, “… we’re sick of playing heroes, it’s time villains had their say. This time the bad guys have the cheat codes.” Awesome.
I’m always on the look-out for new blogs, so let me know if you’ve found one I’ve missed. I’ve given up on keeping track of all of them, but I do check out most blogs I link on a regular basis. Not every blog is unique, but I have found a lot of good writing out there and it’s good to see gamers of all stripes.
Keep on blogging trucks! (A Podtacular reference, donchyaknow)
Very cool. I hadn’t known anything about this blogs before, and now I have more to read in my feed reader. 🙂
Way too much to read but I’ll give it a shot.
Those Intendo guys… they know what they’re doing!
(I appreciate the love. You should comment there sometime.)
Joy – Glad I could help with some new reads.
Bobster – Yeah, it is a lot. Not everything will be for everyone, but you never know what you might find.
Rollin – I’ve definitely been slacking on my comments on other sites lately. I’ll definitely comment when I’ve got something meaningful to add to the discussion!
Not really on topic, but I feel like I’m the only one who regularly visits your blog, that doesn’t have their own blog.
Thanks for the complimentos.
Thanks for the kind words! Siliconera is definitely a great site also, i’ll add you to my list of daily bookmarks.
Zen and Fronz – no prob, thanks for providing some great gaming content!