This is getting ridiculous. I mocked EA earlier because they weren’t able to deliver on the on-line community promises. Turns out the data was handled by a third party, and their systems were fried. My bad. They still could have put up a notice about that.
So is now accessible and so is my NCAA 08 profile. Funny thing is, I still can’t find a way to share my uploaded videos with friends. I don’t even know how to send them a link to my EA Sports World profile. It’s ridiculous. Unfortunately, it gets worse.
I went over to their forums, hoping that someone else was able to figure it out. Surely I’m not the only one who wants to do this. Besides the fact that the forums are populated by 13 years olds who love to use the Caps Lock key, the forums were completely worthless. No one had a straight answer to the question, “How do I sure my uploaded videos?” Simply worthless. So nothing could be worth less than that, right?
Wrong. The forum search is atrocious. I did a simple forum search for “share uploaded video”. “No search results for “share uploaded video”. You should try a less restrictive search.” was the result. Fair enough. I try “uploaded video link” nothing. “Video Link”, “Profile Link” and “I sure wish I could send my friend a link to my cool video” all failed to produce any search results. Deflated, I simply tried to search for “NCAA” hoping that something would result. This is what I got:
Did I mean NASA?! No! Why the hell would I be searching for NASA on EA’s NCAA 08 forum? The name of the flipping forum is NCAA 08! Is search that hard for one of the biggest electronic entertainment companies? I can use NCAA 08’s recruiting system to search for a 5-star QB that is 6’2″ and from Ohio and I can’t do a simple text search on their site?
I’m speechless.
Will says
There is little else on the internet that makes my blood boil faster than crappy search engines.
How is it possible that the term “NCAA” is nowhere to be found in their database or search index or whatever method of search they are using for their NCAA forum? That’s like searching for “Xbox 360” on IGN’s 360 boards and not getting any search results… oh wait, that is *exactly* what happens. Which web developers are being hired to code this garbage?
I really like the new look of your site. I’m sorry if I mentioned that before, but I am always pleasantly surprised when I see it.
Dark Reyule says
Let me tell you a little tale about why my gamertag “Dark Reyule” is banned from all EA servers, Tony.
When Timesplitters Future Perfect came out the game had tons of potential but was buggy as Hell online. EA promised a patch, the target date came, and went, and went, and then really went.
Fed up, and admittedly a bit bored and juvenile, I flooded the EA forums with a tiny, effective message “f**k EA”.
They banned my account, blocked my gamertag from ALL their servers… and then released the patch about 12 hours afterwards! True story.
The point is I can relate, and it is no suprise to see EA doing the same-old, same-old when it comes to supporting their games post-release.
Tony says
@Will – It boggles the mind how they simply could ignore search, which is so vital to a forum. If it actually worked, there would be 50 threads asking the same question. It’s insane.
And glad you like the new look, I’m happy with it.
@DR – That is sweet. Your profanity got EA’s butt in gear!
flamingsquirrel says
Best story eva.
Seriously, that’s great.
Did you even mention something about timespliters in the threads?
Dark Reyule says
I did, in the past, then it was just F**K EA over and over and over again.