I have this horrible online habit of bookmarking everything I come across and throwing it in a folder called “toread.” The idea behind it is that on Friday afternoon as a reward for a good week’s work I’ll take the last hour and follow up on them. They’re usually gaming related, but some craziness creeps in there every now and then. I figured I’d (Ed. – Tony, feel free to add to it) try something new here and share with you on Mondays the links that I’ve found to be interesting, my goal being to distract you from your job.
First I’d like to share with you a little bio I found about John Freeman, Gordan Freeman’s brother, called Half life: Full Life Consequences. It’s insane enough that it’s warranted a sequel. It’s a quick and dirty use of Garry’s Mod with quirky writing to go along with it.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun gave us a first look at Battlefield: Heroes a while back. I was not sold on it at all because it’s a complete knock off of Team Fortress 2. However, this writeup convinced me to give it a try. After all, it is FREE (from EA? yes!) and has a great sense of humor. It’s also has one of the best commercials/trailers I’ve ever seen for a video game.
I am a sucker for shooters. I find them to be nerve racking and relaxing. Indie Games has a list of what they consider to be the best FREEware shooters of 2007. I’ve not checked them all out yet, but I’m hoping there’s a gem or two in there.
My favorite toy is LEGO. Naturally, I want to see what people can do with it. This guy has made micro Star Wars scenes and put them under glass domes, and this guy does some great mini-mecha stuff. The little yellow utility mech is great.Lastly, just one more LEGO tidbit.
It looks like LEGO is dropping their train line. According to Brothers Brick, they’ve started discounting sets. You can get the Hobby Train set at half price ($50). It’s probably the best LEGO sales deal I’ve ever seen from (what I consider to be) a heavily overpriced toy. I bought one at Christmas and just bought another. Oh, the Imperial Star Destroyer is disappearing too.
That John Freeman thing is insane. Good, but insane.
I also hate you for showing me those Battlefield Heroes sites and that video. I went from being perfectly content to hate EA for ripping off TF2 to laughing my head off and wanting this game NOW so I can shoot people while sitting on the wing of a plane.
Damn you Nat! Damn you to virtual hell!