In light of all I’ve gone through and with giving up (actually, changing perspective) on “The List,” it’s now time for me to get rid of all the games I no longer want or need. What does that mean for you, oh, inquisitive reader? Simply put, you get first dibs.
Here’s how it works. I’m going to list all the game I want to get rid of. (All of them come in their cases). I could just take them in to Gamestop, but they are idiots (There’s a guy in our local store that deserves a plethora of posts. I feel sorry for uninformed customers.) and they would give me a pittance for the trade-in anyway. I will sell the game to you at half the price Gamestop sells it used (look it up on their site and email me the link). That way, you get a game cheaper than used list and I make more off it. Make sense? Let’s eliminate the used store middleman and save on their fees.
Just email me (agentgray at gmail) what you want and we can work all the other stuff. I’ll probably use Paypal and ship the mail via USPS (US or Canada) Here’s the games (with commentary):
- Metroid Prime – It’s a little past it’s namesake, but an excellent game. Good for a single play through.
- Metroid Prime 2: Echoes – echoing what’s above
- SSX Tricky – I loved this game. One of the few I did everything with. Now? Meh.
- Pikmin – If you like telling flowers what to do, then this is for you.
- Mario Golf Toadstool Tour – I consider it to be the best sports game for the ‘cube.
- Super Monkey Ball – A party game before they were popular. You unlock the party game part.
- Prince of Persia The Sands of Time – I had a blast with this, the grandfather to Assassin’s Creed.
- Lego Star Wars – I have the new version. No need here.
- Panzer Dragoon Orta – I guess this game may be rare? Good for a single play through.
- Psychonauts – Just a smidgen overrated, I think, but very funny. Might be a little rare in Xbox form.
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic – A classic. Might be the best Star Wars story since Episode V.
Nintendo DS
- Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime – a fun diversion that’s easy to play.
- Brain Age – my age dropped the more I tried to complete “The List”
- Contact – what a quirky game. Almost like a new Startropics.
- Hotel Dusk Room 215 – one of the best uses of the DS ever, an interactive book.
- Metroid Prime Hunters – cramp inducing? At least for this lefty.
- Meteos – From what I understand it may be rare now. A fun puzzle game.
- Electroplankton – I love this quirky off the cuff stuff. NOt really a game, but interesting. Rare.
Xbox 360
- PocketBike Racer – I will give this away. The King creeps me out.
- Lost Planet – the constant falling down lost me on this.
- Dead Rising – A frustrated love? The timer, the inmates (that keep coming back), the bad survivor AI, and weird save system. I need to move on.
Nintendo Wii
- Zack & Wiki – I had fun with this quirky adventure game. Hilarious unintended Wiimote motions too.
- MLB Power Pros – I wish I had the time. I really do, but this is the most interesting, time consuming baseball game on any console. Stat tracking is amazing.
There you go. There are some more titles I may add to this, but I am very close to completing them. Plus, I have some PC titles, but I need to make sure license keys and stuff are OK.
I think you’re mad to get rid of Hotel Dusk unless there’s someone who hasn’t played it and will give it a good home. Sharing something like that is noble. Giving it to someone who won’t appreciate it is insane 🙂
Somehow I knew you would crucify me for that title. It truly is exceptional, but it’s a story I needed to know only once.
The friggin inmates! Man I hated the fact that they respawned.
I was actually interested in picking up Hotel Dusk. We’ll work something out for that one.
Well, seeing as I have, and have modded all of those systems
(minus the 360 of course, but you can bet that when I DO get one, I’ll be modding it. Also my modded wii counts for both GC and Wii games 😛 I have a NGC, but it’s not modded, as it’s a major pain, and it wouldnt let me do anything I can’t do with my modded wii)
I’m not really interested in any of those games. PC games on the other hand… Well, if you wanna sell me a Guild Wars account, I’m VERY interested.