Rumours that the Vancouver-based outfit was working on the zombie project first emerged last year, but neither the developer nor publisher Capcom has confirmed anything on the record. But while Eurogamer was on a secret mission in Vancouver last week, we were told by a source familiar with the project that Capcom has indeed farmed out development to the Western team.
The source said: “Everyone’s really excited; the team has obviously seen the rumours and it’s been hard to keep quiet, but they can’t wait to show off the game.”
Don’t tease me when Left 4 Dead is coming so soon. I’ll have to cut you 😛
Glad to see they’re outsourcing.
I’ve noticed a definite change in Japanese made games that seems contemptuous of the idea that people play the games for any reason outside of the developer’s strict goals. I got sick of Dead Rising because the best parts of the game were actually not the game itself. The actual missions were punishing and frustrating as hell.
Please oh please have: a reasonable save system, co-op and MOAR 2x4s!