No, the title is not a typo. We’ve got a 20 minute review of inFAMOUS for you.
Brock and I both played through the game, one as good and the other as evil. Our initial goal was to have a special 4 Minute Review where we each took turns writing about the game. The more and more we discussed it, the more we began to realize that almost every aspect of the game flows into the narrative somehow.
We decided to get on Skype and make a rough recording and see what we came up with. So we present a 20+ minute conversation about inFAMOUS and we give our 2MRs at the end. Realize, that this is a rough cut. The only audio post-processing I did was leveling it.
Let us know your thoughts about the game after giving it a listen (which you can do online or download).
[audio:http://www.buttonmashing.com/audio/inFamous.mp3]NOTE: RSS readers may have to come to the site to listen online.
Great review!
I liked the topics you covered about the game. Here’s hoping to hear many more!
Finally got around to listening — this is good stuff, guys. Thank you for finally telling us what happens with the start button!