This week’s power rankings are fairly sparse. Mostly Starcraft 2 and not a whole lot more.
1. (2) Starcraft II It came out and some buttonmashers have already picked it up but the internet can’t stop talking about it. Nat isn’t the only one who felt that the game was “unfinished” in the sense that it’s only 1/3rd of game. So it’s unfinished and, oh, it can ruin your video card. Sorry ’bout that, folks.
I could go on about how popular this game is, but I’ll save my time linking all the different blog posts and just point you here.
2. (-) Gamespot buys Kongregate – Possibly seeing the future of digital distribution cramping their money making style severely, Gamestop purchased the gaming “hub” Kongregate. Kongregate is free-to-play (or F2P if you’re one of the cool kids). Gamestop really likes making LOTS of money. It seems that these are at odds with each other.
3. (-) EverQuest 2 – James blogged the Sony announcement that they were taking the free to play route with EQ2, in a way that only Sony would try. Ardwulf has played in the Alpha and came away with a positive impression. He also has a good roundup of other people’s reactions to the announcement.
4. (-) Disney buys Playdom Speaking of buying game companies, Disney purchased the social gaming company Playdom for a tidy sum.
5. (-) Plants v. Zombies – Dancing Michael Jackson Zombies will not be dancing the Thriller through your backyard any longer.
Wow, that was even shorter than I originally thought it would be. I guess August is going to be a boring gaming month.
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