Fall is my favorite time of the year for oh-so-many reasons. Weather, foliage, FOOTBALL and the holidays. While the real TRIPLE-A titles are still waiting in the wings of November, October 2012 is no slouch of a month for releases. If you can pull yourself away from Borderlands 2 or Torchlight 2, there’s quite a few games coming out this month worth your time.
Week of October 2nd
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
Dead or Alive 5 – Looks like she still “kicks high“.
FIFA Soccer 13
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes – Interested to know why this is budget priced at $40.
Angry Birds Trilogy – Speaking of forty dollars, it seems insane that anyone would spend that on basically a collection of 99 cent games. But hey, achievements, guys!
NBA 2K13
Resident Evil 6 – I’m torn about this version of Resident Evil. I enjoyed RE5 enough and of course RE4 is one of the best games of all time, but I just don’t know how much love I have left. Seriously considering passing on this one. (If this is your first foray into the RE world, though, the Resident Evil 6 Archives
is a great starting place.)
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
Week of October 9th
Just Dance 4
XCOM: Enemy Unknown – I did not play the original XCOM but I am still very intrigued with this game.
Fable: The Journey
Port Royale 3: Pirates & Merchants
Week of October 16th
Doom 3 BFG Edition
Rocksmith Guitar and Bass
007 Legends
Wheel of Fortune
Skylanders Giants
Week of October 23rd
Medal of Honor: Warfighter – Limited Edition
Just Dance: Disney Party
Forza Horizon
Week of October 30th
WWE ’13
Zone of the Enders HD Collection Limited Edition
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
LEGO Lord of the Rings – So LEGO has officially run out of IP to LEGO-fy, right?
Assassin’s Creed III with Steelbook
Marvel Avengers: Battle For Earth
Week of October 2nd
NBA 2K13
Week of October 9th
Just Dance 4
Week of October 16th
Skylanders Giants Portal Owner Pack
Week of October 23rd
Just Dance: Disney Party
Week of October 30th
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Transformers Prime: The Game
WWE ’13
American Mensa Academy – So… This is a thing?
Wreck-It Ralph – Meta going meta, I guess.
Week of October 2nd
Pokémon Black Version 2 – Good-night, Sweet Prince. (The Nintendo DS is the prince in this instance)
Pokémon White Version 2
Week of October 30th
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Transformers Prime: The Game
Wreck-It Ralph
Moshi Monsters Moshlings Theme Park
Week of October 9th
Code of Princess
Spy Hunter
Week of October 16th
Rollercoaster Tycoon – I thought this had already been released, but I stand by the statement that this could be an awesome 3DS game.
Week of October 23rd
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward
Professor Layton and The Miracle Mask
Week of October 30th
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Transformers Prime: The Game
Wreck-It Ralph
Week of October 2nd
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
R.A.W: Realms of Ancient War [Download] – Someone pointed Realms of Ancient War to me a few months ago and I remember thinking it looked pretty interesting. Now seeing that it’s a mere fifteen bucks, I am even more interested!
Week of October 9th
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Port Royale 3: Pirates & Merchants
Week of October 16th
Doom 3 BFG Edition – Funny how a release that was “optimized for consoles” is getting a PC re-release as well.
NBA 2K13 [Download]
Week of October 23rd
Medal of Honor: Warfighter – Limited Edition
Week of October 30th
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Need for Speed Most Wanted
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Week of October 2nd
Resident Evil 6
NBA 2K13
Week of October 9th
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Just Dance 4
Port Royale 3: Pirates & Merchants
Week of October 16th
Skylanders Giants
Doom 3 BFG Edition
Mugen Souls
007 Legends
Rocksmith Guitar and Bass
Week of October 23rd
Medal of Honor: Warfighter – Limited Edition
Killzone Trilogy Collection
Week of October 30th
Assassin’s Creed III
WWE ’13
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Week of October 9th
Spy Hunter
Week of October 16th
Silent Hill: Book of Memories
Ragnarok Odyssey
Week of October 23rd
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward
Street Fighter X Tekken
Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz
Week of October 30th
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Assassins Creed III Liberation
Week of October 2nd
NBA 2K13
What are you picking up?
(Note: As always, all Amazon.com links have our affiliate code embedded in them. If you purchase something through our link, we get a little commission. It’s appreciated.)
I love that Wheel of Fortune is in this list… Is Vanna still ugly.
I’ve got Dishonoured and X-Com: Enemy Unknown preordered on Steam. I’ll likely get AC3: Liberation either when it comes out or early November. I also need to get a new PS3, so I’m waiting for that AC3/PS3 Super-Slim bundle.
And let’s not forget New Little King’s Story on the Vita, which launched on PSN today. I adored it on the Wii.
I’m going to try the Silent Hill: Book of Memories demo and see how it is.
I think that’s it for me for the month. I’m buying a new house soon so I have to be careful. That’s why I preordered as much as possible right now 🙂
Ah crap. A new Layton game is out this month too? And the sequel to 999 (Zero Escape) too? Maaaaan…