(A little late this afternoon due to being SUPER busy this week. Hopefully you’ll excuse the lack of content, too)
This will be our first weekend of crummy weather in a long time, which is probably marking the beginning of the end of fall and the approach of winter. I always feel more at home gaming when it’s cold outside and gets dark earlier in the day. When are your prime gaming times?
For this week, I think I am getting really close to finishing Borderlands 2. I know I still owe a post or two about my experience with that game, but right now my limited time means either playing the game or writing about it, and you can probably surmise I’ve been playing more than writing. So it will probably be another Borderlands 2 weekend for me. I just started the Pirates Booty DLC and have enjoyed that so far. I really like the new environment and of course all the great new loot.
Speaking of loot, we finished the five rounds in the Creature Slaughter Dome and were rewarded with Moxxxi’s Rocket Launcher which is the equivalent of a personal nuclear device. That will be getting us out of tight situations in the future.
If there’s time outside of the world of Pandora, I’ll probably dive into some PC gaming in my large, mostly unplayed Steam library. What will you be playing?
I have not been particularly moved by recent console releases (although, XCOM: Enemy Unknown looks pretty slick). So, on a whim, I finally booted up Europa Universalis III. It’s been a year since I played it. I loaded the campaign that I showed yojimboz last Christmas day. Y’know, James, the one where you were all like ‘yeah, go to war with Austria. How bad could it be?’ The game loads just after peace was declared and Austrian troops are still in my territory heading home. High war exhaustion, rebellions all over the place, crazy susceptible to spycraft, horrid attrition. How bad indeed! It’s gonna take months cleaning up after the boy-dictator James and his whims of fancy!
Just long enough to tide me over until my new computer gets built.
Details forthcoming?
My adviser was lacking in skill but, you shall triumph!!
I ended up playing about 20 minutes of the TF2 Halloween event.
Looking forward to playing SOMETHING soon though.
Yeah, I didn’t get much in this weekend, either. There’s always next weekend!