(The following discussion may contain spoilers of the TV show The Walking Dead. You have been warned.)
Fellow buttonmasher (and esteemed brother-in-law) James and I discuss The Walking Dead at length. Recently, we had a bit of a disagreement as to who you’d rather have on your side, Daryl Dixon (heart throb to thousands of teenage girls) or Tyreese (who counts Chuck Norris among his admirers).
So I propose a thought experiment that is popular among sports pundits. In the sports world, the question usually is, if you were starting a, say, basketball team, who would you pick to build around? Most would say that would want to build around a superstar like LeBron James or Kevin Durant. So let’s take that experiment to your own personal Zombie Survival Squad. You can choose others, but you have to pick either Daryl or Treese as your foundation. Your Zombie Killing Captain, as it were.
I don’t want to bias the vote, but I’ll tell you why I’d go with Tyreese. You know what a spirit animal is, right? Well, if there was an equivalent zombie killing device, the claw hammer would be mine. So it’s no surprise that when I saw Tyreese splitting some zombie skulls with one, it was a match made in Zombie heaven.
It doesn’t hurt that Tyreese has got a softer side, protecting his little sister and even has some time for romance. But Tyreese is the captain of my squad because he is a round mound of hammer pounds. I’ll go to battle with Tyreese wielding my own Estwing, cutting a righteous swath of claw hammer destruction.
So who would you pick? For the purposes of the poll, I’d like to keep it to just Daryl or Tyreese, but if it’s someone else, let us know in the comments!
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Poor Tyrese…I don’t think he’s going to fare too well in this poll.
Tyrese is like t-dog, version 2.0.
Daryl has my vote!
Man I just hope you never have to meet Tyreese in a back alley.