I declared 2019 to be the Year of Completing Games and for the most part, it was. I completed games both new and old. In no particular order, I completed:
- Resident Evil 2 (twice!)
- The Division 2
- Destiny 2
- Bioshock Infinite
- Dead Rising
I had meant to write this post as a sort of end-of-the-year wrap-up, but I never got around to it. Then I figured during corona-virus-lock-down I’d put some time into it but that never materialized, either. Finally, six months into the year I started thinking about it again after I picked up Resident Evil 3.
You see, 2020 was going to be the Year of Playing New Releases. After thoroughly enjoying Resident Evil 2, I had high hopes for Resident Evil 3. It was supposed to be the Chosen One, selected to kick off the Year of New Releases. When it released with mixed reviews, it threw me off my game. If I couldn’t start the year off with a bang, what would the rest of the year hold?
It turns out that 2020 is actually the worst year in the history of years. In terms of video games, it isn’t exactly bursting with many stellar titles. Sure, Animal Crossing: New Horizons released this year, we do have that going for us, but honestly, that’s about it. (Actually, Animal Crossing came out at the best possible time, right at the start of quarantine, when things starting going south.) AC:NH might end up being my Game of the Year.
There are a few tent pole titles in 2020, like Doom Eternal and the FF7 REMake, but honestly, 2020 isn’t looking that great.

Halo Infinite anybody?

So I’m extending the Year of Completing Games into 2020 (So far this year I’ve already finished RE3, Dead Rising 2 and the B ending of NieR:Automata). I’ll be delving back into the Steam backlog and making the most out of the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. I’ve taken advantage of the new Steam Library organization tools to keep track of games I’m working on (and games I really need to play). Next to finish will be more NieR:Automata endings and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.
Are you working through a backlog? Playing a new release? What are you playing this weekend?
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