As of 10:30 pm EST, Blizzard has successfully nullified the most recent DDoS attack on the servers.
For the bulk of the day today the blizzard forums were flooded with gamers who were reporting slow connections speeds and/or horrendous latency problems. Blizzard Customer Support reported that the cause was indeed a DDoS attack. A group by the name of @poodlecorp is claiming responsibility for the attack.
Speculation abounds, for sure, some saying this is a reaction to Blizzard banning a massive number of Overwatch users earlier this week.
No matter. Blizzard customer support just tweeted the following:
The DDoS attacks from earlier have ended and players can now log into BattleNet. We are investigating reports of World Server Down in WoW
– BlizzardCS (@BlizzardCS)
Game on!