I’ve got plans for GTA tonight: motorcycle stunts:
More posts are on the way…
Mashing buttons since 1984
I’ve got plans for GTA tonight: motorcycle stunts:
More posts are on the way…
by Tony 2 Comments
You want to get your peace-loving GTA IV on. She wants to violently throw blue shells at anthropomorphic kart riders. Who wins out? If you’ve got a big enough widescreen with POP (Picture-out-picture), you both do!
via Perfectance’s Flickr stream
So who gets the surround sound?
by Tony 7 Comments
We need things like air, water, food and shelter. We want things like T-bone steak dinners and down comforters. All of us have the things we need. Luckily, most of us have a lot of things we want.
Somewhere around the 20% mark of GTA IV, it went from being a want to a need. I have become thoroughly engrossed in the story and I’m anxiously doing missions so I can see what happens next. I need to see how things end. It’s no longer a matter of wanting to. My well-being depends on it. Which is the main reason I’ve been so sparse around here lately.
I’m working on a bigger post for GTA IV, but I do want to point out a couple things, one good and one bad. The bad — almost all of the humor, the “jokes”, the throw-away details are puerile and immature. It’s not fratboy-humor, it’s 13 year-old, giggle everytime someone says “Hancock” humor. It gets old fast. The citizens of Liberty City are unnaturally foul mouthed and hot-headed. They will throw-down at the drop of a coffee cup. It also gets old. I could do without a lot of these “details”.
The good — the main character, Niko, is really well done. I don’t know if Robert De Niro was an inspiration for this character, but I see a lot of him in Niko. The facial expressions, way he talks, the hand-gestures and posture are all spot-on. Even though the guy is morally bankrupt, he is still interesting in a “The Professional” sort of way. I am anxious to see more of his character.
So with that, I must away with myself. Liberty City calls.
I have literally fallen off the grid the past couple of weeks, and the culprit is obvious: A little 360 game you might have heard of.
If you’ve been following my Twitter feed I’ve been playing a lot of it. I was also out of town this weekend and haven’t played for a few days, so now I’m jonesing again. As soon as the Cavs/Celtics game is over, I’ll be back in the comfortable confines of Liberty City.
I have a bunch to write up about the game, but I’d rather be playing it then blogging it. Sorry about that.
by Tony 5 Comments
If the integrity of mainstream video game reviews was in a coffin and all but one nail had been driven home, the reviews for GTA IV was a big mash hammer that drove the last nail in, but bent it totally out of shape before smashing it home, making it all but impossible to pull it out.
Stick a fork in ’em.
by Tony 4 Comments
Impressions and Mario Kart friend code to be posted soon. Post yours so we can throw red shells at each other!
Mario Kart Wii is that awesome. Here’s my friend code:
…Nat cutting in. Here’s mine:
back to Tony…
I’m throwing GTA IV in now that the kids are in bed, so I won’t be going back to Mario Kart for a bit.