If you’re like me, you’re sitting at work, watching the clock click down to quitting time, so you can rush home and download the Halo 3 beta. While you wait for the whistle to blow, you can watch a live feed of “The Outlaw Master C” play Halo 3 live.
(I know that URL looks scary, but it’s “Outlaw’s Cam” not “outlaw scam”. I promise!)
Thanks to my buddy Dark Reyule for this one. I need to play this game, like NOW.
Update: And, of course, just like Mike points out in the comments, there are still problems. Those of us trying to get in the Beta via Crackdown are still waiting. Bummer. With the Cavs playoff game and Lost, it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting to play this until much later than hoped. Double Bummer