UPDATE: I correct myself. There are no achievements or online leaderboards. This is sort of confusing because it’s one of the things that makes Trials2 great. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens though. Redlynx has been giving Trials2 some excellent support. Is Monster Trucks Nitro worth $20? No. But I do believe it–in it’s current state to be worth $10.
I came came very close to considering last year’s game by Redlynx, Trials2, to be my pick for 2008 Fun Game of the Year. I did mention that a I had a little bit of a renaissance with PC gaming, and I’ve also become a little bit of a Steam zealot.
To explain, here’s a conversation I had with Brock today via Google Talk:

Let me just begin by saying it was the quickest demo-to-purchase time I’ve ever had. I don’t even think it was thirty seconds. One race and I was sold. Bonus: You can get it right now on Steam for 50% off.
It’s simplistic, runs on just about anything, and is pure racing fun. It appears to follow the same format as Trials2 (but with a little more forgiveness), but also adds a boost option in Nitro. The goal of the game is to get through tracks as quick as possible–jumping over buses, cars, barrels, and all other sorts of smashing goodness. Yes, there are explosions.
Leaderboards, achievements, a great introductory price, and fun, fun, fun.
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!