Because I eschew all things Harry Potter because of his popularity and pop-culture status but I gladly listen to the latest Gorillaz single on my shiny iPod mini?
Update: Today a “Fan” dropped off a copy of the first five Harry Potter books. At first, this was kinda creepy thinking that someone reading the blog knew where I lived. Then, I started parsing through possible suspects (I mean my friends) who knew I write buttonmashing and things started making sense. I have narrowed down the list of suspects but I’m still a little baffled by the “A rose is a rose…” message. Is that a red herring? Is there something deeper to this message than meets the eye? Do I dare “out” the gift giver, risking the possibility of future gifts? Do I claim I hate the Xbox 360 in the hopes I get another parcel?
I thank my “Fan” and I will at least give the first book a try. It can’t hurt, right? I currently reading this, so Harry will have to work his way into my book queue, but I promise I will give him a chance.
And as to Jeremiah’s NCAA 2006 review request, my first impressions will be forthcoming but I need more time before I make any review-like proclamations.
Of course not. Harry Potter is fakery at the highest level. The books are phenomenal in their medicority and only popular because people are told they want them. At least the iPod line – except the overpriced assfuck that is the Shuffle – and the like actually provide something useful and occasionally actually warrant the hype. Harry Potter is pure marketing.
Wow. Yes you are. Previous comments aside, I used to not read harry potter because it was popular, but then I actually read them, and they are quite good. It has nothing to do with marketing.
The iPod is pure marketing, the only good thing about it is its interface, which frankly doesnt really cut it now days. Any other device will give you more features for less money. This is without a doubt. I’m just waiting for the day of the iPod killer and everyone realizes that they cant transfer their iTunes songs to the latest and greatest. Anyways, read Harry Potter, you’ll like them.
No comment on the iPod mini. Technology comes and goes. It serves a purpose or it doesn’t.
The Gorillaz new album is great. They may be popular, but they are also quality, not to mention a fun idea and impressively marketed concept.
The Harry Potter books are so filled with plot holes, cliche imagery and clumsy language that you are completely justified in not reading them for reasons other than their popularity. Furthermore, with the advent of the movies, Rowling is now including magic that is clearly designed to place nifty special effects in the movie version. I suggest you change your claim to, “I don’t read Harry because I don’t think it’s very good,” instead.
Well, you can’t make the claim that you don’t think it’s very good unless you actually read it…and then that means you haven’t eschewed it and that would go against your policy. Of course, you might be able to borrow the first book, on the sly perhaps at your local public library, and find out if you actually are entertained or not.
If you hate it, then you need not fear the hypocrisy. If you like it, then you have a conundrum that you and your therapist can work out.
I’ll never understand people who refuse to read or see or listen to something because it is too popular. Sure, the masses can often follow a false idol (DaVinci’s Code, Britney, According to Jim) but you should at least have the integrity to hate for legit reasons rather than to lift yourself above the crowd.
And I love Harry Potter for what it is – excellent children’s literature, with characters I have come to enjoy. It’s not Faulkner – not even Roald Dahl – but it’s very good.
I like Harry Potter, cos I like the stories. I like the Gorillaz cos their music is great. Uh… But I don’t like iPods because they are popular and trendy. Am I a hypocrite? 😛
(You know, the Gorillaz weren’t super popular when they came out years ago. I think they were trendy and cool amongst a particular subset of popular culture. Damon Albarn is awesome, and so is Del tha Funky Homosapien. W00t.)
not a hypocrite… but i do believe popularity and pop-culture status should not be the reason you make decisions one way or the other. it should be determined on how you feel despite the world, not how you feel because of it.
It’s fine to avoid something because of it’s pop-culture status. Often, something that is popular is merely a watered-down version of the real thing. Neal Stephenson called it “Disneyfication”. The process of taking a deep, difficult to understand subject, like Alice in Wonderland, and turn it into a kid’s movie. Another example is the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I was pretty surprised when Disney decided to turn that book into a movie. Yet, they didn’t hesitate to water it down and fluff it up a bit.
Hence, we have Harry Potter. A child’s story that adults can love. Adults that don’t want to spend TOO much energy reading.
Also, I should point out that the original Harry Potter was WAY better. You guys remember that movie, Troll?
Okay, it seems the prevailing wisdom is that if I actually read it, the chances are that I’ll like it. Such a dilemma. I freely admit to being taken in by the marketing of gadgets like the iPod mini and clever ideas like the Gorillaz. But I guess for now I’ll continue to be ignorant on the subject of Harry Potter.
Besides, my kids will eventually be in the target age group for Harry Potter and they’ll school me.
You’re only a hypocrite if you became a iPod/Gorillaz consumer because of thier popularity and pop-culture status.
I want a review of NCAA 2006 for the Xbox………..please
Do you know any Gertrudes, Steins, Alices or Toklas? That may be a clue to solving the mystery of who dropped it off.
That is strange and very scary. Not to sound too paranoid but I’d check those books for any type of foreign substances.
You own a domain, its easy to look up an address fromt that using a simple WHOIS query.
Ahh, Fx10 you would be correct, but there’s no guarantee that the address I registered my domain is, in fact, my home address! Makes you wonder…
And Anthony, I’m pretty sure the source is harmless, but your paranoia is not unheeded. I think I’m safe in this case.
Amit – I am not familiar with any of those you mentioned. I am thinking the clue is to throw me a curve ball.
That’s cute.
haha, sweet, you have a stalker, you sir should be very proud. :]
Is it still a stalker if I’ve known the guy for years?
mhmm, could be!
Well, I tried the first one (twice) and couldn’t get past the brutally mediocre writing style. It’s one thing to write for “kids” but quite another to string together long paragraphs of 6 word, declarative sentences that just hurt reading. While I don’t mind others liking them (even if I don’t understand it), the popularity far exceeds its “value”.
Sorry, but I have dozens of classics that I have never read.
Read it and let me know what you think. If you like it or at least don’t hate it I may borrow a dropped off copy.
If you think the person who left them is friendly all is good. If you think the person is an evil doer I will be first in line to offer you a bullet pusher.