All the gaming sites have their “Best Of” awards each, as do many blogs. Here I’ll be aggregating the various best-of lists I find in the gaming-sphere. I’m also planning the Buttonmashing awards up after Christmas (you can read my 2004 picks here). Until then, here’s what others think:
Uberblog Guardian Unlimited Gamesblog has listed their Best Games of 2005 here.
Troy has posted takes a look back at 2005’s strategy games and doles out the awards here.
Singe has posted his awards here and here. You can get at them from his Awards Category, too.
Vanhemlock, connoisseur of all things MMO, breaks down 2005 here, month by month, concluding with a report on all his characters.
Jared Rea (a member of the 1Up staff) has a blog at 1Up which I found via GameSetWatch and he also has a couple 2005 lists, the regular awards and the not-so-regular ones.
Mike mentioned in the comments he’d be posting his Top 5 of ’05 lists and he just posted his Top 5 Games. Additionally, you can see his Top 5 for Music, television, movies, and Events. Mike’s got good taste!
Joystiq’s staff has posted their 2005 picks here.
The ever hilarious Geek on Stun has some great picks for 2005, including the Game From 2005 That We Haven’t Gotten Around To Quite Yet, But Will Definitely Make An Effort To Soon. I’ll have to give that one a try, too.
Not to toot my own horn, but you can find my list here.
GameSetWatch has a few links to their 2005 picks. You can find them all here.
MattG from Press the Buttons lists his picks here. Interesting to see that RE4 only made it to #3 in his list.
Mike Nowak’s Top 5 list of games does not include RE4 (gasp!) but is another great list.
Game Girl Advance has the Top 5 Trends of 2005. Another great read. #2 is wireless online gaming, something I’m also a big proponent of.
But sometimes it’s nice to have a system which I can just pull out while on my lunch break and play a quick online match. The portable systems have provided that and blazed a very profitable trail.
And you thought we were done updating this thread. Never! Here are a few more.
Broken Toys has his Top Ten list.
Bill at Dubious Quality hooks us up with his list of the games he enjoyed the most.
Tom at G-pinions gives us the top 2004 games he didn’t play until 2005. I think I’m gonna give Ribbit King a try!
Update: I changed the time stamp so this would rise back to the top as more people’s list are surfacing. My own list is almost finished done.
Update (1/6/06): Added a few more lists to the list.