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How is getting a new TV like getting kicked in the junk? When it shows up mere hours before you’re getting ready to head home for the holidays. And you were planning on being gone for eight days.
Crap! Looks like I’ll be cutting our visit a few hours short next Saturday so I can get home in time to pick up my new TV stand. I’m thinking about picking this one up.
More pictures to follow. Like most everyone else, I’ll be pretty busy with the holidays, but I’m hoping to find some time to get a little blogging in. Nevertheless, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holidays.
Too bad.
I guess you’ll have to imagine the possibilities.
Is the TV still at your house locked in a box? I think it’s horrible and immoral to leave a HDTV home alone trapped in a cardboard box. Are those plastic bondage straps I see in the picture? My God you are a sick individual!
I feel I have to make this right. I will come by your empty house tonight and free this poor abused electronic device from your negligent and abusive control.
It will look nice in my living room.
I hope it works out. Samsungs are nice, I have an OEM HDTV (i.e. a generic Taiwanese one) and I’m never making that mistake again. Sent it back a few times, now i’m in the extended warranty period, which of course is a joke. Next month I get to send in $1800 for a tv that has worked maybe a total of 3 weeks in the year and a half that I’ve owned it. I’m watching tv on my 19″ computer monitor. /cry