It’s that time again, kids. Time for a stroll around the gaming blogosphere, checking out some new sites I’ve come across in the past few months. I don’t have time to expound on the greatness of everyone on the list, but I tried. Check them out, in no particular order:
Coyote Sharptongue is one of the many bloggers at MMO-supersite Ten Ton Hammer. He’s quite a funny guy with a knack of knowing what male blog readers want (if you know what I mean, and you do). His piece on Bards was particularly high-larious.
I’ve mentioned Zack Hiwiller’s blog around these parts before, but he also gets mentioned as a new kid. A great read.
Difference in Opinion is just that – a blog with differing views on entertainment. Lots of reviews there.
UGO Gamesblog – The UGO Gamesblog has been around for a while, but I didn’t start reading it until Wombat from the CAGCast starting blogging there.
Keen and Graev’s Gaming Blog – MMO bloggers that bring constant, solid content on a regular basis.
Loading Reality – A group blog, with an accompanying podcast.
The AT Wire – A little bit of it all.
The Nut and the Feisty Weasel – Bill and Todd are former Sportsgamer Blog bloggers, but they couldn’t shake the blogging sickness.
MEGATonik – surprise, surprise, another group blog. Lots of videos and reviews.
Music. Mayhem. Blog. – Yup, that just about covers it!
Lag-O-Rama – Great name for an MMO blog.
JaySlacks – A blog “dedicated to any and everything awesome.” Naturally, that would entail a heavy dose of video gaming.
Save The Robot – Smart gaming commentary. At least smarter than most places.
Daniel Primed’s Gamer Blog – Little bit of everything
The Somewhat Manly Nerd – He may be somewhat manly, but the Buttonmasher is 100% manly nerd. His love for favorite LeBron James gives him like 20 manly nerd points. Making him somewhat-more manly.
Co-Optimus is gaming site dedicated to the finer points of co-op gaming. It’s the brainchild of Evil Avatar’s BAPenguin. While it’s more than a blog, I like it. This is my list, so it gets added.
The Long Shot – Commentary on PC gaming done by a fellow Gaming Dad.
Double You Tee Eff – This guy’s been blogging for a long time. Not sure why I just recently stumbled across his stuff.
Insult Swordfighting – Another entry into the “great blog names.”
Rock, Paper, Shotgun – All the in-the-know-gamers are already reading RPS. Which I’m totally sure that includes you, dear reader.
So go forth and read the bloggy goodness. I can’t believe it’s been six months since I did the last one. The next one won’t take six months, believe that.
Curse you.
I just purged some feeds this morning.
@Nat – I know, I know. This is my own personal purging 🙂
Some make it, most don’t.
Thanks for the mention! Cool site, too.