It’s that time again. What does the month of July hold?
Week of July 2nd
Gears of War (2-Disc Edition) – If you happen to one of the seven people who don’t own Gears of War, here’s your chance.
Week of July 9th
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution – If you want to fry your 360 from overuse, do it in a Civilized manner.
Unreal Tournament III – Just when July was looking bad, UT3 comes along.
Beijing Olympics 2008 – I never “got” track and field games. Probably never will.
Mobile Ops One Year War for Xbox 360
Week of July 16th
NCAA Football 09 – Ugh. I have faithfully purchased EA’s NCAA since 2003. Every year I say I’m done with them, every year I pick it up anyway. Will it happen again this year?
World In Conflict
Space Chimps
Week of July 30th
Soul Calibur IV – I used to be a HUGE fighting game fan. I played a lot of the original Soul Calibur in the arcade, but haven’t played much since then. Maybe it’s time to go back to the franchise.
Spectral Force 3
Summer Athletics The Ultimate Challenge
Week of July 2nd
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon – Milking the FF Franchise, one platform at a time.
Purr Pals
Week of July 9th
WonderWorld Amusement Park
Week of July 16th
Rock Band Track Pack: Vol. 1
NCAA Football 09 – EA abandoned Nintendo with the NCAA line near the end of the console cycle, so it’s nice to see NCAA back in the Nintendo library.
We Love Golf! – Golf games are right in the Wii’s wheelhouse.
Space Chimps
Ford Racing Off Road
Week of July 23th
Chess Crusade
SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1 – Haven’t we suffered enough with these Arcade Compilations? The Wii is 100% backwards compatible. Go to Gamestop and find the Gamecube versions of these compilations. Save yourself some money.
Order Up!
Week of July 30th
MLB Power Pros 2008
Sam & Max: Season One
Freddi Fish: Kelp Seed Mystery
Puzzler Collection
Summer Athletics The Ultimate Challenge
Red Star
Week of July 2nd
Trauma Center Under The Knife 2 – I started out really liking the first Trauma Center. Then I started hating myself for liking Trauma Center. Then I just hated Trauma Center. I’m not worthy of its hardcoreness.
Amf Bowling Pinbusters
1 Vs. 100
Ducati Moto
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Week of July 9th
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution – Seems like the DS is perfect for a Civ game. I wonder what they had to give up, game-play wise, to fit it on a DS cartridge.
Carnival Games
Pony Luv – The DS and its game titles are single-handedly wrecking the spelling skills of our poor children.
Week of July 16th
Nancy Drew 2: Clue Bender Society
Space Chimps
Mister Slime
Week of July 23th
Final Fantasy IV – That’s more like it. This is probably my only must-buy this month.
Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns – This game wins “Title of the Month.” Unemployed Ninja. Is that even possible?
Chess Crusade
Suzuki Super-Bikes II: Riding Challenge
International Track And Field
Week of July 30th
Puzzler Collection
Puchi Puchi Virus – “Puchi Puchi certainly sounds like a virus.
Week of July 2nd
Dream Chronicles 2: The Eternal Maze
Turbo Subs
Fighter Pilot 2
Piglet’s Big Game
Week of July 9th
Nancy Drew: The Phantom of Venice
Devil May Cry 4
Painkiller Universe
Week of July 16th
Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm – I can’t figure this one out. How is this a game, basically a job simulator, fun? I can’t watch the show for more than five minutes.
Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel
Hot Dish – “A Spicy Time Management Cooking Adventure”. I’ll pass.
1701: Gold
Space Chimps
Let’s Ride: Riding Star
Hunting Unlimited 2009
Week of July 23th
Big City Adventure – Sydney
Slingo Quest Hawaii
Fate: Undiscovered Realms – Fate is a great game, wish I had time to play more of it.
Game of Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition
Enchanted Fairy Friends: Secret of the Fairy Queen
Week of July 30th
Flatout: Ultimate Carnage
Beijing Olympics 2008
Legend Hand of God
Avatar the Last Air Bender: Path of Zuko
Etch a Sketch – The words, they fail me.
Week of July 9th
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution
Beijing Olympics 2008
Monster Madness: Grave Danger
Week of July 16th
NCAA Football 09
Week of July 30th
Soul Calibur IV
Week of July 9th
Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity
Week of July 16th
NCAA Football 09
Ford Racing Off Road
A few solid offerings, a few venerable franchises and Final Fantasy IV.
Are you planning on picking anything up this month?
The original Soul Calibur is out on XBLA today for 800 MS Points ($10) if you’re just looking to get your fight nostalgia on.
I’ve been waiting for Mobile Ops One Year War for awhile now but Amazon still says it is unavailable for order. I have no confidence it will actually be released.