World of Goo Launch Day Trailer from 2D Boy on Vimeo.
I was able to add a few more points to my Wii profile and download the game. It’s fun. The style is reminiscent of an old public service announcement by a company. There are a lot of LOL moments here.
Brock says
I played the demo of this on Steam. I like the game but the price is a bit too steep. It’s the kind of thing I’d snag in a heartbeat for $10 on XBLA or PSN but the $20 that Steam is asking for it is too much for a Pontifex-style game… esp. when Elefunk on the PSN is $5.
Nat says
Go the middle ground like I did.
WiiWare. $15.
Brock says
Eh… Eventually. I’ve already got Dead Space, Fable 2 and LBP keeping me busy. And Peggle. Evil, evil Peggle.