(You thought the E3 post was late!)
What better way to wrap up E3 week with a list of games you can play right now (or really soon)?
Week of June 1st
Red Faction Guerilla
Week of June 8th
Prototype – Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like interest in this game has died down.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 – It’s been a few years, I may pick this one up. Or maybe wait for the Motion-Plus version on the Wii.
Virtua Tennis 2009
Week of June 15th
Ghostbusters: The Video Game – [INSERT EIGHTIES REFERENCE HERE]
Guitar Hero Smash Hits
Black College Football Xperience – I’ve know about this game for a while, but it still seems like a bad idea to me. Doesn’t the X in “Xperience” belittle the actual experience in some way?
Week of June 22nd
Fight Night: Round 4– This won’t be a day-one pick up for me, but I imagine I’ll pick it up at some point.
Overlord 2– If I remember correctly, Nat was rather fond of the original.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires– The Dynasty continues, unabated.
Week of June 29th
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Limited Edition
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood– You’re a daisy if you do!
Week of June 8th
EA SPORTS Grand Slam Tennis– John McEnroe’s afro on the cover sold me on this.
Virtua Tennis 2009
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings– “Their staff is too long. They’re digging in the wrong place!”
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10– The Wii MotionPlus
comes out this week, no better way to put it to good use than Tiger Woods.
Week of June 15th
Guitar Hero Smash Hits
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Week of June 22nd
Overlord: Dark Legend
The Conduit
Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil
Week of June 29th
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
Week of June 8th
Miami Law– How was I not aware of this game earlier?! It would have been day-one for me.
Lego Battles
The Legendary Starfy
Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
Puzzle City
Week of June 15th
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Flower, Sun and Rain
Emergency Room: Real Life Rescues
Week of June 22nd
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor– We’ve talked SMT around these parts before. This may be my first foray into the series.
Overlord: Minions
Week of June 29th
7 Wonders 2
Mega Man Star Force 3 Black Ace
Mega Man Star Force 3 Red Joker
Week of June 15th
Defense Grid
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Week of June 22nd
Spore Galactic Adventures
Overlord 2
Week of June 29th
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Week of June 8th
Virtua Tennis 2009
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
Week of June 15th
Guitar Hero Smash Hits
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Week of June 22nd
Overlord 2
Fight Night: Round 4
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires
Week of June 29th
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Limited Edition
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Week of June 8th
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
Class of Heroes
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
Week of June 15th
PDC Championship Darts 2008
Week of June 22nd
Pangya: Fantasy Golf
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Week of June 29th
Mytran Wars
Steambot Chronicles: Battle Tournament
Not a bad month, considering all the good gaming that’s already out this year.
What are you picking up?
Let me say this: Miami Law is a great game if you’re into the Ace Attorney-style adventure games on the DS. It’s not perfect by any stretch and the writing isn’t as snappy as in the Ace Attorney games, but I’m having a blast with it. It’s not as weird as Lux Pain, which is both praise-worthy and damning, but the localization is great. Expect a review soon.
I’m torn between whether to play the 360 or Wii version of Ghostbusters. I’ll probably just rent both at some point and see which I like more. And SMT: Devil Survivors shall be mine!
I have been hearing GREAT things about Ghostbusters from all my local peeps. They are all HUGE original movie fans.
They actually consider this the third movie. It’s crazy, but they all mention that they played the game just for the movie aspects, even that the gameplay was not AAA. (AA to a close AAA) It’s a huge homage and two people mention to me it’s like PLAYING co-op with the characters…for 15 hours.
Of course, the voice acting nails it. It’s like your hanging out and chillin’ with them.
That’s good to hear. I’d heard some people whining about the gameplay being a let-down but I’m more than willing to play a game that isn’t the most innovated thing ever created if it tickles all the right fun centers in my brain.
And I’d heard several mentions of the game being concidered a third movie as far as canon goes. It was also interesting to see how many stories about a possible actual third Ghostbusters movie were popping up the week or two prior to the game coming out and none of the ones I read mentioned the fact that the whole cast got together to do the game. Sigh.
Dang, playing co-op for 15 hours? That alone is some high praise. I think I’d lean toward the Wii version just so I can point my proton pack at the screen.
@Brock – I knew I could count on you to have played something I thought was completely off the wall!
Dan Aykroyd considers it canon.