So if you’ve visited the site in the last 16 hours or so, you probably noticed a new look here at Nat has been working hard on a new theme for the new look. Big Huge Thanks to Nat for putting this together, I think things have come together nicely.
Content-wise, things won’t change dramatically around here, but navigation on the actual site will. Now, there will only be two posts on the main page, the most recent post and a “Featured Post,” where we can highlight a post that we think deserves a little more attention or warrants more discussion. This post will change periodically. Recent posts will still be available in the sidebar to the right. Below the Featured Post will be a collection of Asides which are short, Twitter-like posts that don’t really qualify as a “post” but are still things we think are worth a look. Everything will still be available via the feed.
We’re still working on some items, including reorganizing the categories and the links to other sections of the site. This shouldn’t take too long.
If you’re reading the site via a feed reader (which I assume most of you are) things will continue uninterrupted, but we invite you to come down and take a look.
Along with the new look, we’re also welcoming two new contributors to the site. Will and Jason O will be joining the crew to add to the buttonmashing conglomerate. Both have been frequent commenters here at the site and both have done a bit blogging elsewhere. I’ll let them introduce themselves when they get a chance, but we should be hearing from them shortly.
So welcome Will and Jason and welcome all to Buttonmashing 2.0.
Thank you for the welcome, and I think the site looks excellent! I especially like the look of the category list.
The home page is supposed to show a pair of posts. I only see one.
I like the new look but I think having maybe 2-3 recent posts instead of just one might be nice. Just my two cents.
I can’t wait to see what everyone else brings to the table!
Thanks for having me here. I guess I’ll get on that intro!
I’d like to see more posts on the front page. While I can see the titles on the “recent posts” bar, I’d like to see the first few lines or a summary or something to know what they are about before clicking on them. This would also even things out as your right sidebar is much longer than your content page.
Also, you have in the upper left, the graphical header that says “buttonmashing” below it and then below it to the right a “welcome to”. A little overkill.
Any site suggestions and glitches, send them to me at agentgray (at)
I’ll get to them when I’m back from vacation enxt week.
@Zack–yeah, but do you know where you are? 😀 Actually, we’re looking to add something else in the upper-left other than the name.
I’m also going to add comments posted to the middle column and the Asides.
Thanks for all the site suggestions. Nat is a magician and I’m confident he’ll wave his magic wand and make everything perfect.