Yay, it’s the monthly releases, yay! May has a very solid group of offerings. Never mind the Halo Reach Beta, let’s get to some actual real life games:
Week of May 3rd
Iron Man 2
Autobahn Polizei – As these two releases show, it’s a fool’s game to go up against a Halo game, even if it is in beta.
Week of May 10th
Lost Planet 2
Skate 3
Week of May 17th
Shrek Forever After
Red Dead Redemption – May certainly wasn’t looking promising until this came along. I know Nat is interested in Red Dead Redemption and after seeing the multiplayer video he posted, I have to admit I’m intrigued as well.
Alan Wake– On the other hand, Alan Wake has been getting a lot of buzz and may be a strong contender for a pick-up this month.
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands– Another strong franchise just in time for the movie later this summer.
Split / Second– Quite a strong week for the 360.
Week of May 24th
Blur– I think a lot of Blur will be getting played around these parts.
UFC Undisputed 2010
Week of May 3rd
Reader Rabbit Kindergarten– The kids love Reader Rabbit games on the computer, I’m surprised it’s taken this long to get one on the Wii. (At least this is the first time I’ve seen them on the Wii)
Iron Man 2
Week of May 10th
Winter Sports 3– Not a whole lot of games for the Wii this week, but if you’re interested in new peripherals, this is your week, especially if you’re in the market for gold Wii accessories.
Week of May 17th
Boot Camp Academy
Trauma Team
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Week of May 24th
Super Mario Galaxy 2– Yes, day one purchase here for me. I can never get enough Super Mario Galaxy.
Week of May 3rd
Iron Man 2
Picross 3D
Dementium II– Seems like this game has been on the new releases list for the last few months. Will it ever come out?
Week of May 10th
Monster Racer
Week of May 17th
Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Color Cross
Week of May 24th
Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force 2
Dawn of Heroes
Week of May 3rd
Burger Island Combo– Kokomo may be the place you want to go, but I’d rather be on Burger Island.
Out of the Park Baseball 11 Deluxe
Week of May 10th
Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer
Week of May 17th
Becky Brogan: The Mystery of Meane Manor
Split / Second
Week of May 24th
Making History 2: War of the World
Week of May 3rd
Iron Man 2
Week of May 10th
Quantum Theory– Going off the box-art, that looks nothing like the Quantum Theory I learned about.
3D Dot Game Heroes– Been hearing a lot of buzz for this game. I would imagine this will be right in Brock’s wheelhouse.
Lost Planet 2
Skate 3
Super Bike World Championships SBK– The PS3 didn’t want to get left out of the fun this May. This is a pretty solid week.
Week of May 17th
Split / Second
Red Dead Redemption
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Week of May 24th
ModNation Racers
UFC Undisputed 2010
Week of May 3rd
Iron Man 2
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake
What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2– This is a sequel? I guess the Lord was unclear with his answer in the original.
Week of May 10th
Naruto Shipuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3
Week of May 17th
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Week of May 24th
ModNation Racers
Hexyz Force
What are you picking up?
(Note: As always, all Amazon.com links have our affiliate code embedded in them. If you purchase something through our link, we get a little commission. It’s appreciated.)
Jason O says
I can’t wait for Iron Man 2 (to hit $20)!
Seriously, not a single day one purchase on the list. Plenty of interest in many of them, but nothing I’d pay full price for.
It’s all about Alpha Protocol next month.
Nat says
Hmm. Red Dead is pre-ordered from Amazon ($20 gift card rebate is a go!).
Also, ask me why I am choosing Blur over Split/Second?
Tony says
why are you choosing Blur over S/S?
Brock says
I’m completely hooked on Picross 3D after a few hours of playing it. It’s EVIL.
The games I’m really excited about this month are 3D Dot Game Heroes and Trauma Team. I want to play Blur and Split/Second but I’m not running out to buy them any time soon. Alan Wake is sneaking up on me and making me more and more interested but I’ll resist it for a bit longer.