Normally I’d complain that February releases have nothing to get excited about, but man, this February is loaded! While I’m still on an RE2 kick, there is more than one option this month that I’ve got on a wishlist somewhere. At the very top of that wishlist is that Crackdown 3 is good, because I am going to give that a long look, possibly ending with me picking it up. Fingers crossed! On to this month’s releases:
Microsoft Xbox One
Week of February 11th
Week of February 18th
Week of February 25th
Nintendo Switch
Week of February 4th
Week of February 18th
Week of February 25th
Week of February 4th
Week of February 11th
Far Cry New Dawn
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: Gathering Storm
Week of February 18th
Week of February 25th
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove!
Trials Rising
DiRT Rally 2.0
Sony Playstation 4
Week of February 4th
Week of February 11th
Week of February 18th
Week of February 25th
What are you picking up this month?
(Note: As always, all links have our affiliate code embedded in them. If you purchase something through our link, we get a little commission. It’s appreciated.)
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