Help me blow out the candles on’s second birthday cake! It’s hard for me to believe that another year has passed, but two years ago to the day went live.
A lot has happened in the past year, both here at Buttonmashing and in the gaming community as a whole. Some highlights:
- The GTA Hot Cofee scandal (which will not go away!)
- My blogger validation came as I obtained a “stalker” (who is really just a friend that wanted me to discover Harry Potter)
- I noticed a lot of posts trying to refute all the crap that Jack Thompson spewed. I’m particularly fond of this one, which also helped on a poor gamer to convince his mom to get him Resident Evil 4 and helped another lost soul with his homework.
- The 360 was launched on the world, and I didn’t get one. Poor me.
- A whole year of Carnivals, including one held at Slashdot Games.
A crazy year, indeed. Thanks again to all you who’ve stuck around through the thick and thin, to all the Carnies, and to everyone who’s ever read/commented on/linked something here at I appreciate all the feedback. It’s been a great two years. Here’s to another great year.
Before I blow out the candles, I should probably make a wish… (DS Lite… DS Lite… DS Lite…)