The Blur beta started today on the 360, and yours truly was able to score a code. Let me say this: Think Burnout Paradise + licensed cars + Mario Kart – annoying powerup randomness + the leveling mechanic of Call of Duty = the best online racing experience I’ve ever had. I knew this just fifteen minutes in. Each race is about 5 minutes long and is intense, pretty, and wonderful throughout the entire course. If they make no major changes in the negative, this is a must buy. Now to get it on PS3 or 360?
Get in the Blur Beta [360]
The fine folks at 4 color rebellion are handing out beta keys for the Bizarre Creations Game, Blur. These guys made the Project Gotham Racing series and Geometry Wars. Hits in my book. blur looks extreme. Right now they have 50 keys posted and have a ton more to hand out. Are you in? I am.