Why can’t we get cool stuff like this?
On a small island near Tokyo, people armed with Nintendo DS portable game consoles are scouring the terrain in search of clues that will lead them to a secret treasure.
via Pink Tentacle
Mashing buttons since 1984
by Tony 2 Comments
Why can’t we get cool stuff like this?
On a small island near Tokyo, people armed with Nintendo DS portable game consoles are scouring the terrain in search of clues that will lead them to a secret treasure.
via Pink Tentacle
by Tony 5 Comments
What do you get when you combine a big video game publisher not wanting to port over a game to other systems and a community containing homebrew developers? You get an unofficial port of that game.
Since no official plans were ever announced from Blizzard, two French homebrew developers have taken it upon themselves to create a port of the popular PC game, StarCraft, for the Nintendo DS, calling it StarLite. Because they’ve only been working for three weeks, the game is a bit limiting right now and still needs a lot of work.
by Tony 6 Comments
We don’t get to play every game that comes out every year. Heck, combined we probably hit 10% of the titles that came out this year. So we feel a little unqualified to declare a particular game the “Game of the Year.” It would be presumptuous and rude. So we’re going a little different route this year, naming the “Fun Games.” Games we had the most fun playing this year. They may not be the prettiest games or the deepest story lines, but they were the games we keep going back to, the games we can’t put down.
So without further ado, Nat and my picks for the Fun Games of the Year:
[Read more…] about Fun Games of the Year
by Tony 9 Comments
I’ve actually had this for a couple days but haven’t had a chance to get to it yet. Very much looking forward to playing it.
by Tony 2 Comments
We had a crazy weekend of winter weather here in central Ohio (if you caught a glimpse of the Browns/Bills game on Sunday, that’s a little glimpse we had here on Saturday) but there were lots going on at the Casa Buttonmashing.
Even with the horrible weather conditions, my brother-in-law (here on referred to as the BIL) and I still braved the nasty roads and made our way to the theater to check out I am Legend. I recently finished the book last month (in preparation for the movie, of course) and was very excited about the movie. I enjoyed it. Will Smith does a great job of playing Robert Neville, a man all alone. People are giving the movie bad marks, saying it isn’t like the book. This isn’t fair. The movie, in my mind, is a reimagination of the book. There are a lot of similarities, but things happen in the movie that don’t happen in the book. That is not an indictment of the movie, though. It still explores many of the same concepts the book does: solitude, companionship, despair, horror. They’re all there and they’re done very well. Maybe a little heavy on some of the CGI and some of Will Smith being Will Smith, but it all works in the end. I wasn’t a huge fan of the way the movie ends, but it was still somewhat true to the overall theme of the book.
I give I am Legend a thumbs up
I got an early christmas present from the Sis and BIL, hooking me up with Age of Empires DS. I had played it previously but never made much headway in the actual campaigns. It’s great turn-based strategy goodness and I’m looking forward to some more time with the game.
I’m still playing Mass Effect – Impressions will be up soon. I am loving this game.
Finally, a hand update: I am able to play games now, (obviously) but I haven’t braved anything fast-paced (read: Halo 3 on Live). I’ve been training my hand with Geometry Wars but I really want to get back to some Halo 3 multiplayer. I was really enjoying it before the “incident” and was having a pretty good go at 2v2 matches with n0wak. Now that the BIL will be back on Live, I should be back and fully operational rather soon.
On a side (and perhaps gross) note, I was instructed by my doctor to begin doing some therapy on my fingers, so scar tissue doesn’t build up or my tendons tighten up. Well today I was working my pinkie finger, which wasn’t bending very far before it got tight and painful. The therapy consisted of bending the individual fingers until it got uncomfortable and then holding it at that point for a ten count. Well today, while doing said exercise, I felt and faintly heard something tear. Actually, it felt more like something gave out. The sound it made is hard to replicate, but it didn’t sound normal and I got a pit in my stomach, thinking I had done something bad. I can still move the finger just fine, but now I’m nervous to do my stretching again.
So, how was your weekend? Any torn tendons? 🙂
by Tony 8 Comments
Some people seem to think it’s already done. Does it look like this:
Of course these are not super seekrit drawings stolen from Nintendo’s HQ. They showed up in some random guy’s Flickr feed. Still, it’s fun to speculate and wonder what the new DS will look like and if Nintendo will be going the PSP/iPod Touch media player route. Not that that would be a bad thing.
Just don’t let them use Pictochat!
by Tony 3 Comments
(That was lame. Sorry about that.) I am getting everything set up with my router so I can do some Pokemon WiFi. I won’t be able to jump on until the kids are tucked in bed (they always want to see my Pokemans. [SORRY!]) but here’s my friend code:
3308 1742 3208
You can add yours in the comments or send me an email through the contact form or hit me up on Yahoo IM (screen name: cholo_75).
I’ll be back soon to get some codes and get in on some Pokemon battles.
by Tony 8 Comments
The one game I’ve been playing consistently for the past month or so has been Pokemon Diamond. I have been trying to put in words what it is about this game that keeps me coming back, but I just read what peterb had to say about it and figured he said it better than what I could. Go read it.
I just checked my save game stats, and I’ve already put in north of 25 hours of gameplay. Thing is, this has come in bite-size chunks. I don’t sit down and play Pokemon for long stretches of time but I still seem to have logged quite a bit of time already. Most of my Pokemon are in the 20-25 level range and I can’t fall asleep until I’ve leveled at least one of them.
I haven’t even touched the WiFi portion of the game, but that’s on tap. I’d really like to battle with some buttonmashers, so level up your Pokemons and get ready! I won’t have time to get online until sometime next week, but when I do — look out for my Monferno and my Luxio. They both pack quite the punch.
by Tony 4 Comments
No snickering! Yes, I’m a grown man playing Pokemon Diamond. You gonna do something about it? If not, I’m going to catch me some Pokemons.
As always, first impressions once I get a chance to play around for a bit.