I started this post last year, after I finished Resident Evil 8. Now that it’s sit in the Drafts folder for months, I figured I should finish it up before the next Resident Evil release drops this week. And boy oh boy what a drop that is going to be — the remake of one of the best video games I have ever played — Resident Evil 4. Excitement for RE4 Remake is at an all time high around the buttonmashing household.
But first, a quick review of Resident Evil 8. After two VERY solid remakes, RE2 and RE3, RE8 is a continuation of Resident Evil 7, another of my favorite Resident Evils. It took a little bit to get used to the first person mode after going back to 3rd person for the remakes. Overall, RE8 was a really good game. The story was another bonkers Resident Evil storyline, complete with rounding up trinkets and items to solve puzzles and move the story along but this time the “trinkets” were actually pieces of your daughter, dismembered and preserved in jars littered throughout the spooky village.
Yep. And then things get weirder. Your previously murdered wife wasn’t your wife, you have been dead since RE7 (you really didn’t think you reattached your hand when the tall, pale vampire lady sliced it off, did you?) and your daughter is supernatural. So ya, another bonkers Resident Evil storyline. It’s why we love them so much.
So having finished Resident Evil Village and before diving back into RE4 again, I thought I’d post my rankings of all the Resident Evil games I’ve played.
Resident Evil Rankings:
- Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube, PC)
- Resident Evil 7 (PC)
- Resident Evil 2 REmake (PC)
- Resident Evil 8 (PC)
- Resident Evil 3 REmake (PC)
- Resident Evil REmake (GameCube)
- Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360)
- Resident Evil Revelations (PC, in progress)
- Resident Evil 0 (GameCube)
- Resident Evil Resistance (PC)
Haven’t played yet: Resident Evil – Code Veronica, Resident Evil Revelations 2 (and too many spin-offs/mobile games to list)
And with that, it’s time to get ready to go back to the remote Spanish village where it all began…