My gaming frequency increases as the weather outside feels less and less conducive to spending time outdoors. It’s not quite fall yet, but as the calendar flips over to September and College Football is in the air, I can feel the pull toward gaming more and more.
While the boys in the house are firmly consumed by the Fortnite tidal wave, I have been wandering here and there, looking for something to stick. I have a handful of games that have been abandoned (but not forgotten) but nothing has gripped my attention completely. In the spirit of posting semi-interesting content after a stream of monthly releases, I am going to take a new look at my gaming threads and pick up one or two this weekend to make some progress. Here is where some of those hanging threads are at:
Zelda: Breath of the Wild: I am actually SUPER close to finishing BotW. I have found the Master Sword, discovered all but the last memory and done enough shrines that my health and stamina keep me alive for quite some time. I really should close up that chapter and move on to something else on the Switch.
Super Mario Odyssey: I grabbed Odyssey the day it came out, played it for a few hours (loved it!) and then moved on. After I finish up BotW, I think I will restart SMO.
Pillars of Eternity: I recently restarted my PoE campaign. I have made it past Lord Raedrick and now that the game has opened up, I’m really starting to get into the flow of things. I imagine I will make some progress in Pillars this weekend.
Tokyo 42: I picked a handful of games in the Summer Steam Sale but haven’t even downloaded yet. I was super excited when information about Tokyo 42 starting trickling out and I pulled the trigger recently but still haven’t touched it. I may give Tokyo 42 a go this weekend.
This is just a smattering of the games that I’ve touched in the past few months. I have limited gaming time which forces me focus my gaming on one or two games (which lately has just been Dota 2, but that’s another story).
So for this weekend, I think it will be Pillars and Breath of the Wild.
What are you playing this weekend?