A month has come and gone here in Buttonmashinglandia, so let’s take a quick look at the month that was.
The most exciting news for the month was the recent addition of two new bloggers. We’re already seeing the fruits of their labors, and so far so good. We currently have a bunch of ideas simmering in the pot and hope to announce some exciting new features soon.
As far as site activity, we had 31 posts and 143 comments. I think that qualifies as the best month for comments, by a long shot. Traffic was pretty steady, almost exactly like last month. According to Google Analytics, someone visited the site with a screen resolution of 0X0. Not sure how that’s even possible. 2% of you readers hit the site using Google’s browser chrome. How is it look?
Top posts
The following posts garnered the most eyeballs in August (outside of the regulars):
5. 2 Minute Review: Too Human
4. September Releases
3. Magic Mushrooms and Tanooki Suits
2. Whether ‘Tis Nobler in the Mind to Suffer
1. Walking away from violence
Nat killed this month! 3 of the 5 tops posts where his. Which is obvious proof of my genius, what with me inviting him to join the site!
Previously, on buttonmashing
A year ago, it was Halo 3 time!
Two years ago, I formed Buttonmasher Theorem #1 after being completely engrossed in Dead Rising.
Three years ago the Wii (codename Revolution at the time) had just been announced and interwebs were abuzz!
Four years ago the sheen was beginning to come off my first impressions of Fable. Just in time for its sequel to hit the shelves!
Strange, funny searches
As always, I hand select a few searches that made me chuckle or weep. You decide!
“finish endless ocean” – You’re joking, right?
“cakas gigantes” – My Spanish may be rusty, but I think this person was searching for gigantic poops. Please let me be wrong.
“does eve online get better?” – I get this search every month. It’s referring to the MMO EVE Online. I hope it isn’t the same person every month. The answer is NO.
“my little sister does better at me in the force unleashed button mashing” – You’re among friends here, pal.
On the horizon
Lots of fun and exciting things planned for the site. That’s all I’ll say for now.
A screen resolution of…?
I love the searches xD
@fs – Gah, I thought I C&P’ed the screen resolution. It was 0x0. Thanks for the catch. I’ll fix it.
So is this a bad time to mention the site stopped loading in IE6 again?
Who uses IE6 anymore? Ye gods, man!
@Jason – I still occassionally have problems loading with IE7, too. What kind of errors are you getting?