Earlier today, I mentioned that Bizarre Creations is going crazy giving away beta keys to many websites for their new game, Blur. Let me be a little more descriptive about the game. Think Call of Duty 4 meets Project Gotham Racing meets Burnout Paradise.
Yes, you race for experience and go up in rank. As you get higher, you can unlock powerups and mods for your cars. Giantbomb has got a great video up with one of the games designers. I really love the look of this game. There is so much more mentioned in the video.
The beta opens March 8. It’s for the 360, but I think I’ll pick up the PS3 version.
Note: The Giant Bomb video doesn’t embed into our RSS. (Geesh). Those of you RSS readers need to head on over to the site for a look. Come on in to our house and stop looking through the windows. It’s creepy.
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