… and call me in the morning.
I don’t care how bad of a day you might have had today, if this doesn’t make you feel better, you are dead inside.
Mashing buttons since 1984
by Tony 2 Comments
… and call me in the morning.
I don’t care how bad of a day you might have had today, if this doesn’t make you feel better, you are dead inside.
Here’s a little secret: I love Pac-Man CE. It’s the one game I’ve played the most on my iPod. (Oh, and Namco recently offered all the DLC for the game for free with leaderboards and gamer center [meh] support.)
Curiously, I don’t own it on the 360. That’s going to change with the DX version soon to grace 360 and PS3’s everywhere. Some of the powerups are intense. I love the last one pictured in the video.
I found this guy to be rather hilarious.
Allow me to respond to this video. (If you don’t see it in your reader, come to the site.)
I will admit this video is funny with the whole texting grandma bit. However, this video does not logically make sense. First, some disclaimers:
Sony’s major argument is that you can play high-quality games for only $9.99. I can play three maybe four games on the iPod for that amount.
Second, this doesn’t make sense because there’s hardly anything there for $9.99. Let’s see, I can get GTA: Chinatown Wars for $10 on the App Store or $20 on PSN. Sure.
Certainly the argument can be made that there is a lot of trash on the App Store. I agree, but usually amongst the trash there is a gem or two. Before PSP fanboys get up in arms, I do have some PSN games on it, but I only ever bought them on sale (God of War, Savage Moon, Thexder Neo, Pixel Junk Monsters Deluxe, and a few other unimpressive titles).
The PSPgo had so much potential to be awesome, but there was nothing available for it but full-retail priced titles and a few small games. If the thing had been “opened” up like the App Store they’d be swimming in cash, but no, they had to keep a lid on it and so it’s a loss–for everyone.
This video does not work for me. Curiously, who does it work for? The few 13-30 somethings that are not socially connected and know better?
by Nat 3 Comments
Wow. Just. Wow.
It had me at the rising steampunk balloon. Amazing world concept.
by James 4 Comments
I don’t know about you but that was my first thought after watching this video.
Then the skeptic in me decided to show up. It seems that they are talking this game up a lot, I’m really hoping that they can do everything they said because that would be one awesome game.
I think there are a few Guild Wars fans around here, anyone else wanna join up and take out that INSANE looking dragon at the end of the clip? (probably get utterly destroyed actually)
Almost a year ago, we brought you some news about Space Invaders for all the iDevices. Taito has had a FREE update in the works for some time now that adds a new ship, a sideways mode, and the option to get some more ships via DLC. This was my iPhone FGotY last year and this keeps it right on the homepage of my iPod. The update is on the App store now.
by Nat 2 Comments
Finally. Something epic ror real life.
While some here are eagerly anticipating the latest Japanese-ambiguous game, some anticipate more zombies, some anticipate reaching for something in 2010–this. This. This is my anticipated game for 2011.
I love how he tries to hack into the device. Head on over to the site if you don’t see the video in your RSS reader.