As you may or may not know, RE 4 is set in an old, run-down, decaying European town. As luck would have it, it turns out to be an old, run-down, decaying Spanish town. Luckily for me, and all you loyal ButtonMashers, I spent two years in Spain and I am endeavoring to translate some of the sayings you’ll hear the possessed villagers yell as they try to kill Leon. My hats of to the guys who wrote the Spanish lines, most of them are well done, including the naughty i words. I am trying to keep this a PG-rated blog, so you’ll have to use your imagination for some of the definitions here. This list will grow as I progress further in the game from the luxury of my comfy seat and remember more of what is said. (Update: I have since beaten Resident Evil 4 but decided to keep this list updated, based on the daily hits I get looking for these translations
Update 2: Ever since the release of Resident Evil 4 on the Playstation 2 I’ve noticed an uptick in google requests for “Resident Evil 4 Translations”. I’ve been keeping the list updated as much as possible, so feel free to add anything I’ve missed, whether you know how to translate it or not.)
So, as a public service, I present you the “Unofficial” Resident Evil 4 Spanish Phrases translation guide, complete with your additions:
- Cabrón – Literally translated, this means “mountain goat”. Slang, it means “mothertrucker”.
- ¡Jefe! – Boss!
- ¡Voy a romperte (unintelligible) pedazos! – I’m gonna break you into pieces!
- Mierda – Sh*t!
- ¡Allí está! – There he is!
- ¡Es el forastero! – It’s the foreigner!
- ¡Te voy a matar! – I’m going to kill you!
- ¡Te voy a hacer picadillo! – I’m gonna make mincemeat outta you!
- ¡Detrás de tí, imbécil! – Behind you, imbecile!
- ¡Cogedlo! – Grab him!
- ¡Agérrelo! – Grab him!
- Mueren, Mueren, Meuren – Die, die, die
- ¡Mátalo! – Kill him!
- ¡Mátenlo! – Kill him! (another form)
- Morir es vivir. – To die is to live.
- ¿Qué carajo estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate cabrón! – What the hell are you doing here? Get the hell outta here, cabrón
- ¡No deje que se escape! – Don’t let him escape!
- ¡A por él! – After him!
- ¡Te jodiste! – You’re screwed!
- ¿No estás soñando? – Are you sure you’re not dreaming?
- Es hora de rezar – Now is the time to pray
- ¡Tenemos que irnos! – We need to get outta here!
- ¡Puedes correr, pero no puedes esconederte! – You can run but you cant hide!
- ¡Imbécil, quiero matar! – Imbecile, I want to kill you!
- Los Illuminados – “The Illuminated Ones
- Los Ganados – While this does directly translate as “livestock” or cattle, it can also be used to refer to a group of people, like a mob.
- Las Plagas – The Plagues
- La campana – the bell
- Cerebros – braaaaains
Updated (11/12/2005) – Thanks to Dudeman, RE4Fan, Marcos, SpikeRevell, Darkzeta, and Angelo for the latest request and additions. I know that with the recent release of RE4 on the PS2 that we’ve had a new influx of people searching for translations. Hopefully all these will make the enjoyment of this most excellent game. Let me know if there’s more! Keep ’em coming!
Updated (8/29/2005) – Thanks to Marionette, Mark, Kasage, David for reminding me of some of the phrases I’ve missed. Keep ’em coming!
wtf, there’s a suplex in the GC version. Heck, you can even suplex as Ashley! if you lure one of the zealots to the door when you play as ashley, you can slam open the door, and they fall on their knees, then you can suplex em! look it up on youtube!
lol k thnx is it hard as ashley??
what i meant was when you play the game as her, not doing the suplex
nvrm i already found out
i got another one, the villagers say something like “more-arore exyadino” pronounced sorta like ” more- a-R-or- ec-a-deen-yo
I swear when you take refuge in the castlewith Ashley, I hear whispers almost like “Don’t get STD’s. Don’t get STD’s.” What is it really?
No pun intended with my name 🙁
x.x I know you won’t believe me but… I saw it with my eyes! My boyfriend had a memory card with a RE4 save file (this is all on GC) with everything unlocked (including the infinite hand cannon). He got bored with the file so he made another game on another memory card and played all anew. He finished through it once and unlocked Mercenary. He got bored playing that a bit and started playing the one he had completely finished. He went back to the newer card and all of a sudden he has over 99 mill pestas and EVERY weapon unlocked and upgraded. When he started a replay, his health was normal as usual. I think he had the riot gun or the semi auto but it didn’t appear in his attache case untill he bought himself a bigger one but when he had the smaller case, it didn’t show up there but he had the option to sell it. And when he got Ashley, she was at FULL health… I mean MAXIMUM health and his was still minimum. How does this work? Has this happened to anyone else? Does it only do it for the GC??? Please answer soon!
in the castle zealots say something like “smoove” or something are they saying something or just moaning
maybe a glitch xD or the disk could be scratched
no i mean they chant it if you listen carefully and i know it’s not cogedlo
and Miss Interpretation it’s “morir es vivir”, meaning to die is to live
hey this is well wierd- i was playing R.E4 when my bro was playing ali.G and the mexican shouts ‘Ma’talo’! and i recognised it!…. just wierd tho….
hey guys nobody answered my question last time, but I’ve been playing the PS2 version for a long time and I still can’t find that laser gun that’s kinda green when you shoot, the one that Leon holds in the demo, do you know what I gotta do?, if u know it please give me the info, I’ve already played the Leon part like 4 times, the Ada Assignment, and Separate Ways twice but I still can’t get the merchant to give it to me, dammit! lol XD
We already answered your question.
Beat the game on professional difficulty, then start talk to the merchant on a game that’s at least round 2 or higher (as in, play on a file that’s already beat the game once.)
I FINALLY BEAT IT!!!……any tips for mercenaries and/or tips for saving money in 2nd round??
i need help, im on the level were u need to protect ashley and u twist like 3 pulleys. im on profesiional.
and the los illuminados arent saying matalo, they are saying muerte which means die. the villagers say matalo :P. just wqanted to point that out, and if u like re4, check my site out(not strictly re4 but got a article on it!)
I’m a little obsessed with this game, I admit, I played it on gamecube first and then bought the Wii version just recently, so I had to start over pretty much. (No more infinite rocket launcher:[ ) Anyway I was wondering if anyone knew if there was any difference at all in the Wii version of the game besides the controls, obviously. I feel like I’m hearing the villagers and cultists say different things but it could be my imagination…?? Let me know, thanks guys!!
In the begining of a new round, you can only hear this if you choose new game. After the first house and over first bridge, there is 3 guys on a little hill screaming, ont fona steno! onta senas osta mas! Of course i dident spell it right 🙂 But if you could translate it, it would be cool.
hey guys it’s me again. lol, those guys piss me off. i always kill them before i can listen to what they say. btw what do they say…?
Collmillos- Fangs
thats all i know lol
I speak spanish
Hey aca (Hey,here)
A avisar a los demás (warn the others)or something like that
Te Cojí (I got it )
@Telepathic-Mind-Destroyer – The only hint I could give you for Mercenaries is to practice, practice, practice!
@Lesleigh – As far as I’m aware, the Wii version is a direct port, with the new Wii controls added on, so all the phrases, etc. should be the same.
@Frederik – What you’re hearing is “un forastero!” which means “the foreigner!” I’m not sure what the other word it is.
@Jess – yes, “colmillos” does translate to fangs, thanks!
@Pato – you’re right about the first two, but “Te Coji” literally translates to “I got you“
lol xD i have an easy mercanaries trick to getting at least 60,000 points…but you have to practise just a bit. first find all the time. dont kill any ganados or whatever until you have all the time. once you have that lead them to a red barrel (a bonus time should be near) and blow it up xD works for all characters in all levels but i’d say Wesker, HUNK, and krauser are the easiest to use. Ada is a pimp so she’s easy too but krauser has the arm thing, HUNK can snap their necks for a 1 hit kill, and Wesker has the 24 capacity for his semi-auto, the killer 7 magnum and a custom silent pistol. Wesker is my favourite…xD
dónde está? – where is he?
vamos – let’s go
Preparate para morir – prepare for ur death
idetras deti, imbecil! – behind u! dumb ass
hey what does “PUNTO La Stello” mean? im not sure if thats how they actually say it but youll probably know what im talking about
“hey what does “PUNTO La Stello” mean? im not sure if thats how they actually say it but youll probably know what im talking about”
That would be
¡Es el forastero! – It’s the foreigner!
though it doesn’t look like it’s the same thing, it is. it can also sound like “oon-for-a-stell-O”
PS: Is anyone elses favorite mercs character HUNK?
I mean, he SHOULDN’T be good, he only has a TMP, and his specail move is only good for Bella sisters, but I really like him, he’s easy to use! I like playing him on water world. And Wesker or krauser on the Castle. I HATE the military camp with all characters, Ada is the best on the military camp, leon is the best on the village, wesker/krauser for castle, and HUNK on water world.
@Rozzy – I think flamingsquirrel got it right. “Un forastero” means “a foreigner.” I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re hearing.
@FS – You know HUNK is my favorite. Nothing is better than a series of neck breakers.
my Dad (speaks Portuguese, really similar to Spanish) was looking at this guide (I left it open after I left the computer) and I heard him saying all the phrases JUST like they were said in the game, it was kinda scary. I’m like, “wtf? who’s saying all those RE4 phrases?”
Yeah, HUNK is pure ownage.
ya HUNK is my favourite xD but Wesky is the best 😛
The translations are quite well, save for “cabrón”, which should be “bastard”. “Motherf*cker” is too strong, and in Spain is equivalent to “hijo de puta”.
Also, it is not “mueren, mueren, mueren”, which translates as “they die, they die, they die”, but “muere, muere, muere”: “die, die, die”.
However, the game fails in that the villagers don’t speak the spanish of Spain. The accent is different, reminiscent of the spanish of some Caribbean country. “Mátenlo” is typical of american spanish; in Spain it’s far more usual “matadlo”. Also, in Spain you should expect “¡no dejéis que se escapen!” instead of “¡No dejen que se escape!”
Not very important unless you are from Spain, of course. In my case, it breaks the ambientation a little.
when your in the castle the guy say ¡Cogedlo! ¡Cogedlo! ¡Cogedlo! but i tink it sounds like gohhello and grab him dusnt rly make sense
thanks for your help. your guide really helped me! now i know what they are saying when they yell at me, lol.
@a spaniard – thanks for clearing that up. I lived in Spain for 2 years, but there are still some things I have trouble directly translating.
@harry – not really sure what you mean by your comment.
@horse girl – glad I could help.
i always heard ‘morir es vivir’ as ‘muddy STD’ or something. LULZ.
Not to gloat or anything, but I’ve beaten RE4 around 13 or 14 times. I’ve only got 1 really important question….. You got a smoke? ps. I’ve also writen this on a PSP.
I know this questions has been asked before but I need a direct answer. The Zealots keep chanting something like “Le cakas” and I’m having a very difficult time understanding how this is actually “cogedlo”, because I hear them chanting “Cogedlo” and know that that IS what they are saying but the other phrase confuses me….
Plus they don’t seem to say this “Le cakas” on the PS2 as much as they do on the GC….very weird.
@peacebone – That’s pretty funny. Seems about the same idea!
@Joejoeman – How did this site look on your PSP?
@Ajimi-chan – ‘Le cakas’ doesn’t ring any bells. I haven’t played in a while. What part of the game are they saying this?
The cult guys chant it through most of the castle, they’ll just randomly whisper it around, it doesn’t really depend on the situation. You can first hear it when you enter the castle and onward to you leave it. I was playing the game a couple days ago and I enetered a room and the cults guy randomly yell out “Cogedlo” which makes more sense than them chanting it when they don’t even know your there. Anyway, hope you can help…..
Okay so I printed out this list of sayings just for kicks, and I really was hoping to figure out what the villagers are saying during the scene where Ashley and Leon raise up the castle bridge to elude them. I didn’t think it was on there, the bald guy says something and it’s driving me nuts. Anyone have any ideas?? Thanks!
The villagers often say, va a ls ojos- which is a bad way of putting go for the eyes,
Garrador means the ripper,
The villagers also shout stuuf like “get him” and “Rulebreaker!”
if you listen carefully, Salvador (the chainsaw bloke) says “voy a comer la cabeza / cerebro para el almuerzo” or “I gozarán de este” which means ij shall eat your head for lunch, or i will enjoy this, the Balla sisters say “now try and escape fool” when they start up the chainsaws.
hey i was wondering if you could tell me what these speech clips could translate to because the ganados say something that sounds like ‘father christmas is coming’ and the cult people say something that sounds like ‘get him with the ass-blaster’ and i cant find anything about it anywhere.
u i’ve beaten the game exactly 42 times on professional mode. and the translations are 100% correct.
Cogedlo! Hay De Estar.
is probably the get him with the ass blaster.
get him he is there.
Thanks everyone for trying to help figure other people’s questions. I’m at a loss for a few of them. Glad some of you guys have figured them out 🙂
At the very beggining of the game, when you got into that Village, they say “Mierda!” which means sh*t and “HEEEEY! ACÁAAAA” which means “Hey, over here”. Acá in spanish means “here”, so “Hey, over here” makes a lot of sense.
I’m playing PRO now. It’s hard! Every bullet you have must be well used, otherwise you will be screwed!
That’s funny. I thought they were saying “BASTARDOS” not “MATALO”. I like my translation better you BASTARDOS!
Nobody answered my question about the stupid castle gate scene. And it’s still a mystery to me. My OCD is killing me on this one!
I have no clue, Lesleigh!
OMG. You should’nt get within 10 feet of this game if you have OCD. Trust me, I could not stop playing. I felt like a “BASTARDO”…:) I’ll have to get back to the bridge scene.
Great job on the list! This game is great. I just played it and beat it for the first time and I am HOOKED. Now that I know what they are yelling at me it will make me killing them that much more enjoyable. Thanks!
man it’s been a while since i’ve been here XD RE4 was deffinitely a great game, little easy, but a great game none-the-less lookin foreward to RE5 XD