January started the parade of good titles for 2010 and February packs another good, if not compact punch. Here’s what we’ve got to look forward to this month:
Week of February 8th
Dante’s Inferno
Bioshock 2– I fell in love with Rapture when the first Bioshock came out, but when I finished the game, I felt that I had seen everything that needed to be seen. Not sure I’m really on fire for playing Bioshock 2.
Week of February 15th
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce
Alien vs Predator
Tropico 3
Week of February 22nd
Deadly Premonition
Borderlands Game Add-On Pack The Zombie Island of Dr. Nex and mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot– Borderlands is a game I definitely need to get back to. I was really enjoying co-op and now that DLC is rolling I need to get back to it.
Dead to Rights Retribution
Week of February 1st
Family Party 30 Great Games Winter Games
Week of February 8th
Rock Blast– You can never get enough of “line up items of the same color” games.
Super Monkey Ball Step & Roll
Shiren The Wanderer
The Daring Game for Girls
Week of February 15th
Triple Crown Snowboarding
Week of February 22nd
Endless Ocean: Blue World
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
Week of February 1st
Puzzle Chronicles
Playmobil: Knights
Week of February 8th
Destiny of Zorro
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
The Daring Game for Girls
Scene It? Twilight– Really, Nintendo? Really?
Legend of Kay
Week of February 15th
Dementium II– I don’t have one, but if I kept a “games I should play one of these days” this game would be on it on the strength of the boxart alone.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
KORG DS-10 Plus
Ragnarok DS– If this game is online, I may pick this one up.
Crime Scene
Week of February 22nd
Art of Murder– Starring Duff from MTV!
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia
Week of February 1st
Iron Roses
Star Trek Online
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat
Week of February 8th
World Of Outlaws Sprint Cars
Bioshock 2
Week of February 15th
StrongBad’s Cool Game for Attractive People– I’m linking this specifically because (a) I love Strong bad and (b) I am an attractive person. This must be a cool game.
Everquest II: Sentinel’s Fate– Glad to see Everquest II is still going strong. With or without me.
Alien vs Predator– Seems like there have been other versions of this game out there, right? How is this not a sequel or anything?
Becky Brogan
Week of February 22nd
Alice in Wonderland
Napoleon Total War Limited Edition
WarBirds Dogfights
Week of February 1st
White Knight Chronicles International Edition
Week of February 8th
Dante’s Inferno
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
Bioshock 2
Week of February 15th
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce
Alien vs Predator
Week of February 22nd
Last Rebellion
Heavy Rain
Week of February 1st
Puzzle Chronicles
Week of February 15th
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3
Week of February 22nd
Metal Slug XX
Dante’s Inferno
What are you picking up?
(Note: As always, all Amazon.com links have our affiliate code embedded in them. If you purchase something through our link, we get a little commission. It’s appreciated.)
Shiren The Wanderer if I want pain, but bloody unlikely.
I am so glad I have Gamefly.
White Knight Chronicles and Heavy Rain for me. That’s about it…
Who said that the new Ace Attorney game could come out now? ARG! I’ve been waiting for that for ages but didn’t expect it to be out already. It’ll be fun playing as Myles Edgeworth instead of Phoenix Wright and it looks like they’ve changed up the gameplay enough that it will bring something new to the table.
Great. Another $30 I wasn’t planning on spending… GONE!
I was surprised to see a new AA game as well. Even though I still haven’t played any of them, I think this is a cool franchise. I need to get around to playing the first one…
I would object. they’re trash. Harvey Birdman is where it’s at.
I know you’re just trying to get me mad, Nat.
That said, the Harvey Birdman game was a lot of fun… albeit insanely short and far too expensive.
I bought my DS for Trauma Center and the first Ace Attorney game and while Trauma Center is only now turning into the game I had wished it would be (with the upcoming Trauma Team), Ace Attorney is easily one of the series I hold in my top five favourite of all time.
I just didn’t expect the new one to sneak up on me so fast!
You can’t handle the truth!