(I got to Floor 31 after 1086 deaths)
Via Waxy Links
Mashing buttons since 1984
You ran 8953m before hitting a wall and tumbling to your death.
Canabalt is what Mirror’s Edge should have been–freestyle running that’s fun. It’s comparing apples and oranges, but there’s one other thing about the two games that must be mentioned. Mirror’s Edge uses a myriad of control schemes utilizing bumpers, triggers, and even a little bit of motion control. Finger-fu that leads to finger-flu. Canabalt uses one key.
Yes, it’s that simple. In the game you control a runner who is escaping from…well, something. Judging by the backgrounds it’s an alien invasion. However, the word control doesn’t describe it properly. Basically you tell him when to jump. The main character automatically runs the map, and his jumps are a few careful button presses that propel him from building to building, through glass windows, and over other obstacles.
Jump to retry your daring escape.
Not all obstacles are bad. Hitting some of them will slow the runner down. This can be a good thing because he progressively runs faster. (His stamina is amazing!). Play the game at a frantic pace or time the jumps by using the environment to control his actions. It’s a brilliant play scheme–one that involves only thought.
However, the difficulty is ramped up because the play area is randomly generated. It’s a new experience every time. Easy to learn, but a lifetime to master.
Surprisingly, the simplistic graphics make the experience enjoyable. It’s gray, white, and shades of gray. The smooth animations of the runner and the birds make it a pleasure to watch. Seeing the runner’s arms flail in the air never gets old. There’s also some nice narrative touches going on in the background.
For maximum awesome, headphones recommended.
The sound may be the best thing the game has to offer. From a great soundtrack to the beats of the runner’s footsteps on different material, it offers an immersion that one might overlook. Even the flapping of the bird wings is detailed.
Canabalt is available for FREE online as a flash game and in the App Store for $3. The iPod Touch version doesn’t have any buttons. Just tap.
Developer Semi Secret Software created this gem in five days for the Experimental Gameplay Project. This is an experiment that succeeded.
The game measures your progress by the distance ran. Give us your free-running record in the comments and become a legend.
One flash game at a time…
An NBA game usually lasts two and a half hours. I spent the majority of the Cavs vs. the Suns playing this little flash game. Physics and sports, my favorite combination.
by Nat 2 Comments
I came across intriguing flash game while catching up on some blog reading. Coign of Vantage is simplistic in its presentation and professional in its style of play.
You basically rotate a set of pixels in a 3D space using your mouse until they line up to make the picture in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
The game plays like a sane version of a Warioware game—fast paced, but soothing. (It’s a game that politely whispers that it should be a WiiWare or DSi title.)
The thing that impresses me the most is that it is only played with two clicks. Two puzzles are cleverly disguised as a calibration for the mouse range. It’s a perfect example of using the game to train a person to play it while also adapting and configuring itself to the player’s system.
It hovers near the territory of Flower. It may not be as expansive, but it comes close to its design philosophy.
Source: Man Bytes Blog
… one flash game at a time. This time it’s Scriball.
See you in a few hours.
by Tony 9 Comments
I can not stop laughing trying to figure this game out.
by Nat 4 Comments
This is going to be a big madness. Due to recent excitement, we’ve got to catch up three weeks worth.
GAME: Gamers With Jobs featured a game a while back called Ether Cannon. It’s Asteroids with pretty visuals, concussion visuals.
PICS: Ever heard of the website PostSecret? Gamers With Jobs (again) started the same thing with games. The Teamfortress 2 pyro is my favorite. Post 1. Post 2.
GAME: Luminara, a much better take on Asteroids—much better. Now with trippy visuals, excellent controls, and a catchy soundtrack.
GAME: Do you like the Civilization games? Then you’ll love this FREE, dumbed-down, web-based version. Call it Ikariam. I’ll be sharing the server I’m on eventually.
PICS: Somebody took some screencaps of Metroid Prime 3 and made them 3D. I’ve got some glasses and I’ll admit: awesome. Thanks, Kotaku.
GAME: Audiosurf has recently added some new features. Why do I keep coming back to this game? Oh, yeah, because of allowing me to use my own songs. I don’t have to pay for each and every new song. Zing?
VIDEO: I usually cannot stand watching sportcasters, but somebody at TNT is teh phunny.
GAME: Zombies. That’s all I’m going to say. The Last Stand gets a sequel.
GAME: 1up has the first footage of Gears of War 2. Can you say $60 expansion pack? Sure you can.
GAME: Make your own Ouendan (Elite Beat Agents) clone for the PC. They’ve got video. N-E-A-T.
PICS: Warning! LEGO! I have two excellent posts. These guys have skills we should all have: the Germinated Ruby and the works of Izzo.
Well, the post was not as large as I thought after I weeded out some links I’d like to dedicate time for their own posts.
A while ago, I linked to a fun and educational flash game involving trebuchets, physics and math. My brother-in-law has pointed me to another one, a little light on the learning side of things but high on the “wing furniture at an old Asian woman” side of things: